How to make your first robot

Take a look at the

Take a look at the datasheet. The device returns an analog voltage that varies with distance. It peaks at a bit over 3V when an object is about 3cm away. Less than 3cm and the voltage drops off quickly; making it ineffective below 3cm range. In fact they only spec the device to work at great than 10cm.

As the detected range increases from 3cm upwards, the voltage falls off in a sloping curve. It never reaches zero, no matter how far the range. So what you are seeing is normal. The voltage goes down to about 0.4V at the maximum 80cm range, but the slope of the curve works so that 0V is never reached.

The microprocessorā€™s analog to digital conversion (ADC) will interpret the voltage level against a reference of the logical HIGH. The higher the returned value, the closer the detected object is. When you see 90-100 returned, you should have at least 80cm of clear space in front of the detector.

some examplesā€¦

when nothing is in front, the sensor reads 90-105

when something is in range of 80cmā€¦ the sensor reading makes senseā€¦

so when i start my robot, somehting needs to be in front of it rite? or else the robot will start to turn as per the command, b1<dangerlevel, cuz dangerlevel is 70, and my itnitial value ,when nohting is in front, is about 100ā€¦could u help me a bit in programming as i m new, and want to make a gud robot asapā€¦ thnkx a lot for the early reply

I think you are better off

I think you are better off trying stuff out yourself from here.

if you are stuck on a specific topic, first read the manuals, then search the site, and then post a new topic with that specific question.

The logic is right. If the

The logic is right. If the range value read into variable b1 is less than a certain level, it indicates clear space ahead.

Try adjusting the dangerlevel constant in your program to a value that works for you.

how should i not get any error

now i am going to try it out out and i dont want any error so can you guys give me some tips?please

Kit sold out

Solarbotics lists this kit as sold out. Are they still stocking it?

LMR Stock

We sure are! The problem is that our main supplier stopped carrying the main Sharp sensors, so we were kinda stuck. Weā€™ve figured out a new source for them, and the new units are on their way as we speak. Hopefully the kit will be back up within a week or two.

motor driver

i have no idea which motor driver to get

when i searchĀ l293d motor driver ic loads of results come up (like 4 channwl stepper motor driver and some have more pins than the one you used , any advice?

There are many online

There are many online sources for this chip. You are looking for the chip itself, and not for a motor driver board that includes this chip.

Ultrasonic sensor

Hi fellas. It will be both cheap and fast, If I make single order from solarboticsā€¦ Question is: Can I use an ultrasonic proximity sensor instead, because all IRā€™s are out of stock. Do I need to modify the code? Can you fellas help me?

For using a 4-wire ultrasonic sensor on SHRā€¦

see here:

Not as direct as I expected

Not as direct as I expected :slight_smile: At least I got a my short answer. Thanks anyways. Iā€™ll make a two piece order for now.

LMR Kit Back in Stock

Hey everyone, we finally got the sensors back in, so the LMR Kit back online. Sorry for the delay and frustration!

arduino start here project

can you please make aĀ arduino start here project cause i cant get the picaxe board i checked out the other start here projects didnā€™t understand much!

Where can I find the resistor array?

The SHR requires a 1 DIL 330 x 8 resistor array. I am a couple pieces away from having everything I need, but canā€™t find that. Does Jameco carry it? If so, what is the part number? I have been finding most everything I need at Jameco, so if itā€™s available there, thatā€™s where I would like to get it. (That and I start my next Jameco list within seconds of completing my previous order, so always have a few things I can get with it.) Thanks.Ā  ~Allen

Yea, brother.

Found under ā€œresistor networks, isolatedā€ā€¦

Mybe iā€™m dumb but i

Mybe iā€™m dumb but i downloaded theĀ shbotvideoprogram.basĀ and when i try to simulate it i got this:

readadc sharppin, dist

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  ^


Error: ADC channel 0 does not exist!


Sorry i donā€™t know much but i want an answear about thisā€¦ plaser and thank you:)

A strange error message indeed

On the PICAXE Programming Editor I could not replicate the error youā€™re experiencing. Connect your Sharp IR and try this code snippet:



readadc 0, b1


goto main


It should open up the terminal window and feed you the value from the Sharp IR sensor.

Error message

Hi again ive been at school so i havent had time to fiddle with my SHR but when I pulled it out of its box and tried to program it i got the same error message:

"Serial port error-port not present or already in use!"

and when i go into options and then into serial ports all the computers say ā€œ(not available)ā€. Ive tried reseting the picaxe but it still wont work. Any help will be grately appreciated.

It sounds like it is a

It sounds like it is a computer-only problem, I can give you that much. (not related to the chip etc)

The best you can do, is to go through all Picaxe / driver install procedures, as far as I can tell.