How to make macros work with SSC-32

Hello. I have a SSC-32 board and a couple of RC servos. One servo is a modified continous rotation servo. My question is how to make a macro with LynxTerm Terminal. I put several commands in the macro, but the servo is executing only the last of the commands. Example #0p1000 t 5000 cr
#0p2000 t 4000 cr
#0p1500 t 6000 cr and the servo executes only #0p1500 t 6000. How can i fix this problem, or what am i doing wrong?With these commands i used a normal RC servo non-modified. Thanks in advance, Daniel!

the ssc-32 doesn’t buffer commands, and the macro sends the entire line at once. thus if you send a command that takes time to complete then you need to wait the time before sending the next command.

You are using cr instead of , which I think is causing it to only execute the last command.

EddieB i tried to write a full line with multiple commands, but i don’t know how to put a delay between 2 commands. Can you write me an example code or something. This is the code i wrote #0p1000 t 5000 #0p1500 t 4000
. Thanks in advance, Daniel.

I wrote a program to do this. It will help you create the proper syntax for the servo commands. It will also let you run a script of servo commands. You’ll need Visual Studio Express or I can create an executable for you to install if you prefer.

You can download it from here:

Visual Studio Express is available here:

The ssc-32 does not have internal pause features and there is no wait for a command to finish before the next received command is executed. Any pause between command execution has to be handled by the gizmo sending commands to the ssc-32. The below discussion has a question similar to yours and would be worth a look.

This is correct. You have to keep polling for the command to complete. That’s what allows my software to run a “macro” of commands. If you look in the program you can see a sample of how to do it. Below is the command as described in the ssc32 manual. If you don’t wait until the command completes it will stop working on that command and start on the next.

Query Movement Status.

Example: "Q "

This will return a “.” if the previous move is complete, or a “+” if it is still in progress.

There will be a delay of 50uS to 5mS before the response is sent.

How can i make an executable to run the script of servos. Now i understood the software and how it is working. I am making a robot with 2 moving servos which will move as i command it. Thanks in advance, Daniel.

  1. Download and install Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition

Video of the steps below:

  1. Download SSC32 Servo Controller Software - Visual Basic .NET

2.1 Create a new directory c:\ssc32 and save the file in step two above “” to your new directory c:\ssc32
2.2 Open the directory c:\ssc32. You should see a file Right click on that file and choose Extract All… A wizard should appear. Just keep hitting next and finish.
2.3 You should now have a directory called C:\ssc32\SSC32Poser and inside that directory you should have a file SSC32.sln. Double click that file. It should then open up in Visual Studio Express.

  1. Press the F5 key (this will start the program).

  2. Looking to the left you should see a check box (already checked) next to the 0 (this will send a command to servo zero on the ssc32
    4.1 Set to 1000
    4.2 Uncheck the box to the right of
    4.3 Check the box to the right of

  3. In the middle of the screen you’ll see 10000 Check the box to the right of it.

  4. Click Generate and you should see the command #0 P1500 T10000 show up in the run sequence.

You’ve now generated your first command!

You can repeat steps 4.1 through 6 changing the setting to 2000 (click generate and another command should appear) and do one more to 1700.

You should now see three commands
#0 P1500 T10000
#0 P2000 T10000
#0 P1700 T10000

  1. Now you need to open a communication port to your SSC32 so you can send those commands.
    7.1 From the menu bar select Setup > Serial Connection (the frmSerial form should appear).
    7.2 Choose the com port from the list that your SSC32 is attached to.
    7.2 Click the open button and it should say it opened the port in the window above.
    7.3 Type in ver and click Send and it should give you the version of software running on your ssc32. If it did that then we know it’s talking to the SSC32.
    7.4 Minimize that window so we can see the main screen again.

  2. Click the Play button. It should send the commands to your SSC32 and the servo should move.
    8.1 If you click the checkbox next to loop and hit play it should run it continuously.

  3. Feel free to generate other commands following steps 4.1 through 6 and refer to the instructions in the lower right hand corner of the screen for other settings you can choose.

If this didn’t work let me know the step number above that didn’t work for you.

Can you give more detail on your two servo robot and how it operates? Are you wanting to operate using a windows computer?

BR549 thank you for the info, i did it myself. A need to build this robot for as a project at school. This robot is the start for a bigger plan. I want to build a 4 motor robot with a camera which i will put it to transmit over wireless to a server. Yes i am using a windows computer. Tommorow i will show you some pictures with the robot and a small video. Thanks !