How to Make a Robot - Lesson 10: Programming Your Robot

@anup kumar If you are interested in the field, you should either start to learn at home, or take courses which interest you. Not sure what you would like RobotShop to help with in particular, but at this time we do not provide training or courses.

Is there a certain microcontroller you would used with the python language.

@BRUH Pyton is generally compiled on a computer (Linux being one of the more popular). As such, you might consider a single board computer rather than a microcontroller. We are not aware of any microcontrollers which can run Python.

thanks sir its too usefull for us

Hi, i am an university student of automation engineering. I really like to create some project with arduino but i feel like it is too easy and not used in robotic applications. I am looking for a programming language to start learn before the job world, i mean, what is the most used programming language nowadays for robots (like quadcopter, earth and water drones, humanoid robots, etc…)? And what is the most used control system? A microcontroller or a pc based system? I really like these things and i’d love to start to learn for making experience.
I hope You can help me.

@Salvatore It depends largely on the company you work at; before you start, you might learn C or Python to try to be “universal”.

the best one is Lego mindstorm.
It has made robotics like a toy for teenagers.

I really don’t understand anything from what I read,but I really enjoyed reading it… I really have a great passion in robotics,sir am really interested in robot programming, pls guide me on how to start

Sir how to give a voice to a robot and give him the knowledge of each and everything

@aasir There is a lot of knowledge involved in what you are looking for. You should do research on AI (Artificial Intelligence)

@Kabir yahaya A good way to star would be to buy a simple kit that comes with tutorials and example to learn. The MakeBlock mBot is a good example of a great starter kit.

Are we to use specific Programming Languages for specific Microcontrollers, or will it be OK with any random one?

@Krish Normally you need a specific programming language for a specific microcontroller.

I want to create a humanoid fighting robot, 7cm tall, that could learn combos and have a imitation system, so he reproduces my moves; i also thought about voice control. Is that possible? If it is, how?

@unknown That’s actually very advanced - some researchers use the Microsoft Kinetc, but have spent many months creating the code.

could you use a animation suit to calculate the direct movements of the robot? it’s like what kinect does
of course this would take more than months to create because movements have to be accurate.

@idc Don’t see why not.

Hi I am doing analysis for automotive robotics. I want to execute few samples in automotive robot. I have downloaded arduino-1.6.9 windows. I tried to execute Built in Examples “01. Basics -->AnalogReadSerial” I am able to compile but I am not able to see any output window. Please guide me how to see output.

@sudhagar In the Arduino serial terminal, you need to choose the appropriate COM port and baud rate before the output will display.

How to connect the motorcontroller to the computer? Please answer.