How to make a 3 servo Hexapod in Plywood


Hexapod_Body_0.pdf (6969Bytes)
Hexapod_Legs_0.pdf (7567Bytes)
Hexapod_Instructions.pdf (275698Bytes)


This is a 6 legged platform, that moves by walking around. You will need an RC servo controler to move the legs.

Material list

Plywood - The size of 2 pieces of A4 paper.
Bolts - 2 x M3 20mm
Locknuts - 2 x M3
Self tapping screws - 12 x M2 6mm
Piano wire - 1.5mm x 270mm
Drills - 1.5mm and 1mm

Legs moving pattern

Here is the patterns to move the legs, for different directions


  1. Lower middel left

  2. Left legs forward

  3. Right legs backward

  4. Lower middel right

  5. Left legs backward

  6. Right legs forward


  1. Lower middel left

  2. Right legs forward

  3. Left legs backward

  4. Lower middel right

  5. Right legs backward

  6. Left legs forward

Turn left

  1. Lower middel left

  2. Left legs backward

  3. Right legs backward

  4. Lower middel right

  5. Right legs forward

  6. Left legs forward

Turn right

  1. Lower middel left

  2. Left legs forward

  3. Right legs forward

  4. Lower middel right

  5. Right legs backward

  6. Left legs backward

really affordable to make

really affordable to make! Good for first timers. Thanks