i am using areduino and i am reading a file from sd card then i get two string values and use in another fuction which need double to be parsed. so is it possible to convert strings to double ? if so let me know.
i am using areduino and i am reading a file from sd card then i get two string values and use in another fuction which need double to be parsed. so is it possible to convert strings to double ? if so let me know.
double val = atof(“22.67”)
double val = atof(“22.67”) ;
I believe works on Arduino. I remember strtod(…) as well in standard C++, but not sure is supported for the gcc compiler.
i am using ide 1.0.5. let me
i am using ide 1.0.5. let me explain bit deeply about my situation.
I am reading an SD card content from arduino UNO and the file is a .txt file which contains GPS lat and lon. i read line by line and output as a string. example 3.535355 in a String lat.
Since i am using tinygpsplus it use double to calculate distance and stuff so i need to feed a double not a string.
so will the above solutions will work for me? your deep support is needed and appriciate any help.
avr-libc reference
Here is a link to avr-libc reference.
do i need to include this
do i need to include this library or its built in?