How to control the rover 5 encoders and motors in a single void?

Dear: LMR

Hello guys it is me Noah again just to let you know I have decided that the next project I am going to work on is a Rover 5. I managed to get the Motors moving I found that easy but not the encoders. I want to control the motors and rotary encoders in a simple Void called void Move(int RightMotorSpeed, int RightEncoderDegrees, int LeftMotorSpeed, int LeftEncoderDegrees ). For some reason I can get the robot moving but not the encoders. RightMotorSpeed is the speed for the right motor, RightEncoderDegrees is the amount of steps I want the right motor to make, LeftMotorSpeed is the speed of the left motor, and LeftEncoderDegrees is the amount of steps I want the left motor to make. Oh yeah I forgot to say I am using the dagu mini driver with the rover 5. 

You should know my rover 5 is the two motored version with two rotary encoders and here is my wiring. My right motor is wired to the pins MR and my left motor is wired to pins ML. My rotary encoders is being supplied 5v and is connected to ground while my left rotary encoder has the yellow wire connected to d2 on the pwm pins and the white wire connected to d3 on the pwm pins. My other rotary encoder my right one and it has the yellow wire connected to d4 and my other wire connected to d5 on the pwm pins. 

Can someone please help me I am kind of lost and thank you.

int const RightMotorDir = 7;
int const LeftMotorDir = 8;
int const RightMotorPWM = 10;
int const LeftMotorPWM = 9;

int const encoderLPA = 2;
int const encoderLPB = 3;
int const encoderRPA = 4;
int const encoderRPB = 5;

int DegreesLeft = 1000;
int DegreesRight = 1000;
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(RightMotorDir, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LeftMotorDir, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(RightMotorPWM, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LeftMotorPWM, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(encoderLPA, INPUT);
  pinMode(encoderLPB, INPUT);
  pinMode(encoderRPA, INPUT);
  pinMode(encoderRPB, INPUT);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  bool CanMove = true;
  if (CanMove == true)
    Move(255, DegreesRight, 255, DegreesLeft);
    if (DegreesRight == 0 && DegreesLeft == 0)
      CanMove = false;
void Move(int RightMotorSpeed, int RightEncoderDegrees, int LeftMotorSpeed, int LeftEncoderDegrees )
  if (LeftEncoderDegrees > 0)
    digitalWrite(LeftMotorDir, HIGH);
    analogWrite(LeftMotorPWM, LeftMotorSpeed);
    digitalWrite(LeftMotorDir, LOW);
    analogWrite(LeftMotorPWM, LeftMotorSpeed);
  if (RightEncoderDegrees > 0)
    digitalWrite(RightMotorDir, HIGH);
    analogWrite(RightMotorPWM, RightMotorSpeed);
    digitalWrite(RightMotorDir, LOW);
    digitalWrite(RightMotorPWM, RightMotorSpeed);
  if (digitalRead(encoderLPA) == HIGH)
    if (digitalRead(encoderLPB) == LOW)
      LeftEncoderDegrees = LeftEncoderDegrees - 1;
      LeftEncoderDegrees = LeftEncoderDegrees + 1; 
    if (digitalRead(encoderLPB) == HIGH)
      LeftEncoderDegrees = LeftEncoderDegrees + 1;
      LeftEncoderDegrees = LeftEncoderDegrees - 1;
  if (digitalRead(encoderRPA) == HIGH)
    if (digitalRead(encoderRPB) == LOW)
      RightEncoderDegrees = RightEncoderDegrees - 1;
      RightEncoderDegrees = RightEncoderDegrees + 1;
    if (digitalRead(encoderRPB) == HIGH)
      RightEncoderDegrees = RightEncoderDegrees + 1;
      RightEncoderDegrees = RightEncoderDegrees - 1;

From: Noah


Dear: LMR

I finally figured out oddbot's code. I copied and pasted it into my dagu mini driver and I got it working. Sorry for the delay it took me a while to buy a new dagu mini driver since two of mine broke for no apparant reason but anyways. Enjoy my code!!!

From: Noah

PS: There is only one problem is that the robot is constanly leaning to the right. Anyways easy fix and thank you!!!


#include <Wire.h>

#define L1encpin    0                                     //  A0 is left  encoder input 1
#define L2encpin    1                                     //  A1 is left  encoder input 2
#define R1encpin    2                                     //  A2 is right encoder input 1
#define R2encpin    3                                     //  A3 is right encoder input 2
#define lmdirpin    7                                     //  D7  left  motor direction
#define lmpwmpin    9                                     //  D9  left  motor PWM
#define rmdirpin    8                                     //  D8  right motor direction
#define rmpwmpin   10                                     //  D10 right motor PWM

                                                         //  D11 - D13 are servos 5-7

//========================================================== Encoder input variables ========================================================================

unsigned long lpulse;                                     // width of left and right encoder pulses in uS
unsigned long rpulse;                                     // width of left and right encoder pulses in uS
int lcount,rcount;                                        // left and right pulse counters to measure distance
byte encold;                                              // old state of encoders
byte encnew;                                              // new state of encoders

//========================================================== Motor control variables ========================================================================

int lpwm,rpwm;                                            // left and right motor speeds generated from the processor
int lspeed,rspeed;                                        // left and right motor speeds requested by the user
unsigned long maxspeed=520;
unsigned long actual;                                     // stores temporary calculation of actual left and right motor speeds in uS between encoder pulses

unsigned long etime;                                      // timer used to check encoders
unsigned long mtime;                                      // timer used to check encoders
unsigned long ltime;                                      // remembers time of left  encoders last state change in uS
unsigned long rtime;                                      // remembers time of right encoders last state change in uS

void setup()
 pinMode( lmdirpin, OUTPUT );
 pinMode( lmpwmpin, OUTPUT );
 pinMode( rmdirpin, OUTPUT );
 pinMode( rmpwmpin, OUTPUT );

 Wire.begin(1);                                          // join the I2C bus as slave device at address 1
 Wire.onReceive(I2Ccommand);                             // go to I2Ccommand if I2C data received

void loop()
 lspeed = 100;
 rspeed = 100;
 //======================================================== PWM Generator ==================================================================================
 if(micros()-etime>79)                                   // timer generates 8 bit PWM at aproximately 50Hz
   etime=micros();                                       // reset timer
   static byte pwm;                                      
   pwm++;                                                // byte “pwm” constanly increments (0-255)
 //======================================================== Encoder Monitor ================================================================================

 encold=encnew;                                          // previous new state now becomes old state
 encnew=PINC&B00001111;                                  // read new encoder state

 if((encold&B00000011)!=(encnew&B00000011))              // compare old state of left encoders with new state of left encoders                  
   lpulse=int((micros()-ltime)/50);                      // time between last state change and this state change
   ltime=micros();                                       // update ltime with time of most recent state change
   lcount++;                                             // increment left motor distance counter
 if((encold&B00001100)!=(encnew&B00001100))              // compare old state of right encoders with new state of right encoders
   rpulse=int((micros()-rtime)/50);                      // time between last state change and this state change
   rtime=micros();                                       // update ltime with time of most recent state change
   rcount++;                                             // increment right motor distance counter
 //======================================================== Motor Speed Control ============================================================================  
   if(micros()-ltime>50000ul && lspeed!=0) lpwm+=4;      // jumpstart stalled motor
   if(micros()-rtime>50000ul && rspeed!=0) rpwm+=4;      // jumpstart stalled motor
   digitalWrite(lmdirpin,lspeed>0);                      // set direction of left  motor
   actual=20000/(abs(lspeed)maxspeed/255);              // calculate desired time in uS between encoder pulses
   if(actual>lpulse && lpwm>0) lpwm;                   // if motor is running too fast then decrease PWM
   if(actual<lpulse && lpwm<2549) lpwm++;                // if motor is running too slow then increase PWM
   digitalWrite(rmdirpin,rspeed>0);                      // set direction of right motor
   actual=20000/(abs(rspeed)maxspeed/255);              // calculate desired time in uS between encoder pulses  
   if(actual>rpulse && rpwm>0) rpwm;                   // if motor is running too fast then decrease PWM
   if(actual<rpulse && rpwm<2549) rpwm++;                // if motor is running too slow then increase PWM
void I2Ccommand(int bytes)
 if(bytes!=20 || Wire.available()!=20)                   // each data packet should consist of 10 integers (20 bytes)
 };                     // read left  motor speed integer;                     // read right motor speed integer                   

//========================================================== Empty Buffer of Corrupt Data ===================================================================

void EmptyBuffer()
 while(Wire.available()>0)                               // continue until buffer is empty
   byte;                                   // read byte from I2C buffer

Noah, please use
Noah, please use (or equivalent) to convert your code to HTML so you can paste it into your post more accurately.

To read encoders I would write a sketch that deals with only a single encoder with an unconnected motor. Turn the wheel to change the position of the motor if possible. If you can’t turn the motor manually, then use just a very slow speed on the motor to move the encoder.

Learn how to read one encoder at a time.

The easiest ways to read an encoder is with interrupt routines. There are lots of examples of reading quadrature encoders available for the Arduino. I’m willing to bet that there is one in the libraries on

Basically with quad encoders if you use all the changes of state of A and B you will need two interrupts per encoder, but they can be handled by the same interrupt routine.

Id suggest going for 15 seconds and then print the count.

One thing to remember with interrupt routines is that delay() and Serial.print() do not get along well with interrupt routines.

Thank you I will try that.

Dear: DangerousThing

Thank you I will try that.

From: Noah


I would break up the**

I would break up the code into more levels of functions. First off, I don’t think that you fully understand how Quad Encoders work. They aren’t that difficult, but they aren’t a walk in the park.

Second, the code has multiple digitalRead() calls to the same pin in the same loop() (or rather a function called by loop()). You should read the pins just once and stash the values in a variable. Each call takes time and it’s a bad idea to assume that the values will stay the same while any given call of loop() is running. I would use an interrupt function to read the encoders.

Third, I would start out with an extremely simple sketch. Just read a single encoder. Unfortunately the Uno only seems to have two interrupt pins, but I’ve heard about a PinChangeInterrupt which can be put on any pin but takes twice as long. Ya pays your money and takes yer chances.

To read about interrupts I’d go straight to

Have fun.

Dear: DangerousThingYou

Dear: DangerousThing

You should know the sketch in the update reads the left motor encoder very good. I reprogrammed it so that it can read both encoders and that worked too. Then I added the move code it stopped working then I ran into a driver error and that’s when I think I will save that problem for tommorow. Also I am using a dagu mini driver not an arduino uno like I said in the forum topic which I think you missed. Here is my code now in which I haven’t tested but should work because I verified it with arduino. It should work by moving the two motors 100 steps and then serial.println them into the Serial Monitor but anyways wish me good luck.


#include <Encoder.h>

int const RightMotorDir = 7;
int const LeftMotorDir = 8;
int const RightMotorPWM = 10;
int const LeftMotorPWM = 9;
Encoder LeftEncoder(2,3);
Encoder RightEncoder(4,5);
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(RightMotorDir, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LeftMotorDir, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(RightMotorPWM, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LeftMotorPWM, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  Move(255, 100, 255, 100);
  long LeftEncoderRead, RightEncoderRead;
  LeftEncoderRead =;
  RightEncoderRead =;
  Serial.println(LeftEncoderRead && RightEncoderRead);
void Move(int LeftMotorSpeed, int LeftMotorDegrees, int RightMotorSpeed, int RightMotorDegrees)
  if (LeftMotorDegrees >= 0)
    digitalWrite(LeftMotorDir, LOW);
    analogWrite(LeftMotorPWM, LeftMotorSpeed);
    digitalWrite(LeftMotorDir, HIGH);
    analogWrite(LeftMotorPWM, LeftMotorSpeed);
  if (RightMotorDegrees >= 0)
    digitalWrite(RightMotorDir, LOW);
    analogWrite(RightMotorPWM, RightMotorSpeed);
    digitalWrite(RightMotorDir, HIGH);
    analogWrite(RightMotorPWM, RightMotorSpeed);

Encoder Interrupts
1. If you are using the original Dagu Mini Driver with the atmega8 there are only 2 pins
available for interrupts. This was previously pointed out by Yahmez but seems to
have been ignored in the previous 10 messages.

  1. You should be able to implement a state machine (Duane) or read the I/O pins (DT).
    Your choice. Do what is the easiest for you to understand.

  2. Use the direct port read rather than the Arduino pin read function for speed.
    Keep the ISR short so you are comfortable with the implementation.

  3. Use a separate ISR for each interrupt.

  4. To get the higher resolution (quad) you could add 2 hardware gates (xor & latch) to
    get both the transitions and a directional signal. I have schematic and artwork if
    it would help.

  5. Use the C volatile directive on all variables used by both the main and ISR. Remember
    that if the ISR & the main code are both modifying the variables it is possible to have
    one corrupt the other. Especially on 16-bit words. Atomic operations are needed.

The way your code is

The way your code is written, this

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  bool CanMove = true;
  if (CanMove == true)
    Move(255, DegreesRight, 255, DegreesLeft);
    if (DegreesRight == 0 && DegreesLeft == 0)
      CanMove = false;
Can be replaced with this
void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
    Move(255, DegreesRight, 255, DegreesLeft);
With no change in how the program operates.  I will leave it to you to figure our why.

**I am confused! **

Dear: LMR

You should know I really not getting oddbot’s code. I am sorry if it sounds like I am ignoring your advice but I am not sure what to say. Also I am not sure what to do and do I really need oddbot’s code. I’m sorry I am really lost can somebody help me.

From: Noah

Thanks for your help. It is now updated.

Dear: LMR

Thanks for your help. It is now updated.

From: Noah

Noah,Is the code updated

Is the code updated on your original post or placed elsewhere so we can see what worked?



The code is posted on my original post.

Dear: DangerousThing

Just to let you know I deleted one of the updates because the code didn’t work to good. A new update has been made. Thank you.

From: Noah