How to connect two power supplys on picaxe board (so confused)

Ok, I'm more programmer than electronics wiz, and my day's of reading schematics have long since passed me by. So, does anyone have a good diagram (picture) on how to wire in a second power supply to a picaxe 28x1 board? I work good with pictures then I can de-construct it to a schematic and get a good grasp on things.

I know it can be done, and I just want to power my two track motors with one supply and my servo with a second. My current little 4.5 battery pack runs out of steam pretty quick powering everything. But can I just connect a 9 volt with a voltage regulator to power the motors only and the 4.5 to run the circuit and servo or is there a better way? I know you guys out there are way ahead of the curve with electronics and I can think of no one better to get a good answer from. I will post my first robot soon. Still tweaking the code a little. Thanks in advance!!!!

Here you go…

Be sure to thankFritz for this! baby!!

Thanks Chris and Fritsl
That post helps a lot!!! Still wondering if anyone has an image of the two power supplies set up and how they are wired to the board. But that post fills in a lot of the questions. Thanks again!!!

Both power sources

Both power sources ground/black goes to board ground.

Small power (max 3-6V) goes to V1 to control logic

Heavy power (not so much it fries Motor driver etc, perhaps 7,2V or 12V to a stepper motor) goes to V2

/ Fritsl

i am considering to use 2
i am considering to use 2 power supplies but i am still confused about one thing: if i attach a 9v battery to the V2 those 9 volts would go both to the motors and to the servo. Do i need a different resistor for the servo in this case? i am using the standard 330 ohm resistor as shown in the "start here" walkthrough