How to connect the pan/tilt sensors?

I’m building the autonomous robot kit. I have most of it together, but I haven’t been able to figure out how to attach the pan and tilt module and sensors to the chassis. I haven’t found any directions for it, and there doesn’t seem to be any hardware to attach it. Has anyone else been able to get it setup?

The pan/tilt servos would connect either to a microcontroller or to a servo controller. Can you describe your setup and/or include photos?

I meant the physical connection. I don’t see how it attaches to the chassis.

Oh. There should be a piece of double-sided 3M tape included with the kit. Not the best solution but works well. You can even get away with using hot glue.
The ideal solution would be the expansion plate which has a slot for this servo, but it was not included because it increased the price quite a bit: … plate.html

That’s really disappointing. I doubt that the 2-sided tape could support the pan/tilt mount. I thought the tape was to attach the battery pack anyway.

I considered getting the expansion plate, but didn’t think it was worth the price. Even with that, I would be missing the hardware to attach the pan/tilt mount. I think you should reconsider what is included with this kit. You should be able to use everything in the kit with what is included.

We have tested it internally and have not had any issues so far.

The 4xAA battery pack is best attached with the included screws (because of the weight)

This is a good point - although the kit already includes rivets for a standard sized servo, it does not include the hardware for a smaller servo. We’ll include this :slight_smile:

We are always open to feedback. What would you propose?

Do you have any pictures of how you connected all of that. I can’t figure it out from the picture on the store page.

I was planning on using that for the lithium battery.

I would drop the pan/tilt mount and the IR sensor(I haven’t used it yet, not sure how useful it is) and add the expansion plate and another servo that could work with the ultrasonic sensor. I think that would give someone a good start and better options to expand their project. The expansion plate by itself is a tough sell at $20.

Just the image here: … nomous.jpg
It’s a matter of sticking the lower servo onto the solder prototyping area. The servo system is very lightweight.
We strongly suggest familiarizing yourself with only one item at a time rather than trying all of it together. For example, try the BlinkLED sample code. Then, try buzzer. Once you’re comfortable, understand the code used to control the motors (WASD) etc.

The initial requests we received from customers were for a sensor package (which explains why the kit is “sensor-intensive”). The IR sensor really needs to go with the pan/tilt and allows for motion tracking (fairly complex). The feedback is appreciated though.