Can I connect my sensor/USB shield(Aptina MT9V022) to rasberry pi by USB or directly? My current setup is Windows. Told by Utronics that the camera sensor was not supported by the board (directly) but failed to tell me whether it could be used by the PI connecting the MT9V022 to the PI by USB. My APP is OpenCV.
Hello @rg0001 ,
Yes, the camera can be used with the Raspberry Pi if you used the usb shield as shown in the picture:
Let us know if you have further questions.
Awesome. Roughly how fast FPS can the PI board clock a simple search blob detection of 1 illuminated object per frame?
Thankyou in advance.
Hello @rg0001 ,
Thank you for your reply.
The FPS would depend on the speed of the system, here’s a helpful discussion regarding this topic:
Let us know if you have further questions.
I am currently using a PC for the camera with OpenCV-- runs great. I just don’t know what are the advantages in porting it to a Raspberry PI board…?
A shift from PC to PI is a big diversion of resources and time which would be fine probably even if the PI ran at a reasonably fast (that’s the unknown). I wouldn’t mind porting it to PI if I could see some clear advantages. One might be protection of code and freeing up PC resources by running the program externally. Help in making the decision here. I did read the article.
Hello @rg0001 ,
Thank you for your reply.
The main reason to use the Raspberry Pi is the mobility… you are trying to eventually build a robot that can detect stuff and take actions accordingly, all this in real-time.
If that’s not the case for you, you can stay with the PC.
Let us know if you need further assistance.
I could calculate camera intrinsics and look up tables on the PC and use the results for tracking objects on the PI. A division of labor. Can I preload the raspberry PI with calibration data from the PC then look for my objects in realtime with the PI? The division of labor might be the best config.
Thanks for your time.
We recommend contacting the manufacturer directly to ask about such things.
Here are their contact details:
[email protected]
+86 025 84271192
[email protected]
Hi Ebram the link to the picture at the beginning of the post is broken. Do you mind resending that please? Thanks.