How to choose battery for Racing Drone

How to choose battery for Racing Drone Larger battery provides longer flight time. on the other hand It increases weight and thous decrease speed As the battery gets heavier, the increase in flight time becomes smaller. Eventually it will reaches a point where it just doesn’t gain any more flight time with bigger battery (even lose flight time). LiPo batteries (short for Lithium Polymer) are a type of rechargeable battery that is the battery of choice in the RC world . Chacteristic of Lipo Betteries RC LiPo batteries are light and can be made in any shape. RC LiPo batteries provide large capacities, they hold lots of Energy in a small package. RC LiPo batteries have high discharge rates to power the most demanding electric motors. Discharge rate it a crucial factor in racing drones they provide power for extra maneuverability and acceleration. The important factors batteries are tested for are Voltage Capacity: Discharge rate: Another factory is the life recharging cycle of the battery even though I believe this parameter is not crucial when it comes to racing. I couldn't find any reliable resource for rating Lipo batteries performance I guess I will buy few and test by my self.


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