How to Arduino first steps (393Bytes)

Ok, so here we are, making a small tutorial to everyone that wanna know what arduino is..

I have some experience with it already, but its low one, so i will start this how to, to everyone that wanna start can follow this first steps.


Day 1:


  1. Buy your Arduino.. ^_^
  2. Go to and download the last version of SDK, actually is 0011, for your operating system. If you are in windows, (you need to have java, get it at if you are on linux (you need to get java, and some avr libraries.. just do "sudo apt-get install jre avr-gcc avr-libc" and you are ready to go), if you are in Mac, it suppose to only need java, but i never tested.. i can help with that.
  3. This is your first really contact with it, so just connect the cables, let the R232-USB converter install itself, and then run Arduino, check if the com port and your Arduino board version are well selected in the "Tools" menu.
  4. Lets make something, just go, "File"->"Sketchbook"->"Examples"->"Digital"->"Blink", and load that sample file.
  5. If you have Arduino Decimila, you are ready to go, just upload the code to Arduino, and a orange led on the board will start blinking, if you have any other versions of Arduino, just connect a Led, and a resistor of 330 Ohms for example in serie, with the positive in pin 13, and the negative in GRD.
You have done your first Arduino code, and you are ready to start making things with it. (hope i haven't been bored, but first configuration is the hardest, and it needs to be well done to everyone can follow us in next steps.
Thanks for reading, and don't forget to comment.
(video 1 as sample)
Tiago Rodrigues

Day 2:

Ok, so we are ready to play with it, so we now go do some code.

I think.. I can make that pretty lamps that change colors to have on my desk.. but how do they work?

What about RGB? ahh but i don't have a Green led.. well i will use a yellow one.. hope make some effect..

Lets connect them with a 220 Ohms resistance to don't burn them out, and get a good light from them

V = R x I

5V = 220Ohm x I

I = 22mA

My Arduino can hold that.. so lets move on and make them blink with some wait times to see the different colors..
(check video 2 for the code, that is atached as "Blink2", and video 3 with the final result)


Day 3:

(i'm thinking about it, but sugestions are always welcome)


Nice walkthrough. I think

Nice walkthrough. I think the Arduino website is actually though, isn’t it? Anyway, looking forward to seeing what else you post.


ups… its really, my bad, i

ups… its really, my bad, i will go just fix it… thanks for the bug report.

I will try make something nice to everyone can see what can be done with Arduino. (all help is welcome)

new day added, and new

new day added, and new videos…

fritsl, i’m not liking this blog thing a lot, because i need to be always editing all the page, and i have a limited number of videos i can insert… how can we make this better?

I dont have the time right

I dont have the time right now / these days, perhaps TheCowGod can help you, sorry…

You should be able to insert more videos.

You should not enter a walkthrough as a blog, as you are right now as far as I can tell.

TCG can give you access to enter a content type called “page”. This way you can create a walkthrough as a main page, and create all the sub-pages you’d like.

I have to finish YDM II, so all my “robot-time” goes with this untill it is released - so you will have to start entering this as a walkthrough, ask TCG for help on more videos & adding content type “page” (or something else he makes up)… Or wait for me to have the time…

Thanks - and I am looking forward to take your course once ready!

/ Fritsl

ok, finish your YDM II, this

ok, finish your YDM II, this can wait.

Good luck with it =D

Cool Start

This a great quick start. I’d love to see how Arduino handles motor and servo control. Maybe even make the “first robot” with it:


your comment is very
your comment is very welcome, i will try go on as soon as i get time… but university is first… maybe in the next days…