How to apply Pro-Line Premium Blend CA (Thin)

Hi all,

I used to build RC electric cars a long time ago and used Pink Zap from a pointed tip bottle to bond the tires to the wheels (rims).

The bottle of Pro-Line Premium Blend CA (Thin), P/N 6005-01, (There is no P/N 6005-00 on the Pro-Line website anymore) comes in a snub nose bottle with a little pin in the end of the nose.

The instructions on the side of the bottle say to take off the cap and cut a 1" piece of tubing and insert it into the end of the cap.

What tubing? Did I miss something in the package that the bottle came in or am I supposed to supply my own tubing (whatever size that should be?)?

Am I missing something here?

I have the tires mounted on the wheels on my Lynxmotion 4WD1 and would like to bond the tires to the wheels (rims) and finish the rover!!

Can someone help me here?!!!


Hi ,i always used apoxy ,u might ask on the r/c forums or from where u purchased the product . or go buy a bottle superglue for ur tires and save the big bottle for a big project (always seams to have hardined when i try to store it , thats why i use apoxy, ive had the same bottle of 2part apoxy for over ten yrs. :wink: ) I fear if u use the wrong tubing it,ll melt and waste ur bottle of CA …

Hi cbradsmith,

Thanks for the response. Much appreciated.

It turns out that there was about 3" of clear plastic tubing in the bag and it apparently fell out on the floor when I opened the bag the bottle was in to try and use it.

The color of the tubing is almost identical to the color of the bag the bottle came in and can, therefore, be easily missed.

Fortunately none of our indoor cats spotted the tubing before I noticed it on the floor. Lucky us, vet bills are not cheap these days!

It would behoove Pro-Line to put a notice on the bag that the tubing is enclosed with the bottle and to exercise care when opening the bag so as not to miss it and throw it out with the bag or have it drop on the floor like mine did.

By the way, do not expect timely help from Pro-Line. They took five days to respond to the email that I sent to their Customer Service explaining the problem that I had with the applicator (tubing) for their Pro-Line Premium Blend CA (Thin) and requesting guidance on what I should do to correct the problem.

Oh well, live and learn.
