Hello, I need help in figuring out how much weight can Lynxmotion A4WD1 (lynxmotion.com/p-657-a4wd1-c … omous.aspx) carry
if it is equipped with four GHM-04 motors (lynxmotion.com/p-96-gear-hea … shaft.aspx)
but still be able to “smoothly” perform Skid Steering (a.k.a. Tank Steering)
such as Spin (In Place Pivot) and Hard Turn (Circular Pivot) according to beam-wiki.org/wiki/Steering_Techniques
The Lynxmotion A4WD1 is equipped with four 4.75" (0.12065 m) RC truck tires (lynxmotion.com/p-108-off-roa … -pair.aspx)
and its total mass is around 2.1kg (wheels + chassis + electronics).
Below are some of GHM-04 motor’s specs (worst-case scenario):
Rated Voltage = 7.2 V
Rated Torque/Load = 1.0000 kgf-cm = 0.0981 Nm
Stall Torque = 7.1000 kgf-cm = 0.6963 Nm
Speed at Rated Load = 131.4 RPM = 2.19 RPS
Efficiency at Rated Load = 40% to 45%
I would like the A4WD1 to carry a payload of at least 4.9kg (giving a total mass of 7kg),
and I estimate its expected efficiency to be 30%,
because GHM-04’s efficiency is already around 40%, so (40% * 75% = 30%)
Using RobotShop’s calculator in robotshop.ca/dc-motor-selection.html
with the given input (7kg, four 0.0603m radius tire, 30% efficiency)
to produce the desired torque of 0.0981 Nm (GHM-04’s rated torque),
and using the RMF equation in societyofrobots.com/mechanics_dynamics.shtml
I obtain the following performance:
Under an incline of (0 degree ), A4WD1 can accelerate (0.2788 m/s^2) to a velocity of (0.8299 m/s)
Under an incline of (1 degree ), A4WD1 can accelerate (0.1075 m/s^2) to a velocity of (0.8299 m/s)
Under an incline of (1.628 degrees), A4WD1 can accelerate (0 m/s^2)
Which are obtained by rearranging the Torque relation in robotshop.ca/drive-motor-tutorial.html
to solve for acceleration as a function of incline angle (units omitted below):
T = (100/e)(a + gsin@)MR/N
0.0981 = (100/30) * (a + 9.81sin@) * 7 * 0.0603 / 4
0.0981 = (a + 9.81sin@) * 0.35175
0.2788 = a + 9.81sin@
a = 0.2788 - 9.81sin@
And using this acceleration into the RMF equation in societyofrobots.com/mechanics_dynamics.shtml
to solve for velocity (units omitted below):
Torque * RPS >= Mass * Acceleration * Velocity * (100/efficiency%) / (2PI) / #Wheels
Acceleration = a + 9.81sin@ = 0.2788 - 9.81sin@ + 9.81sin@ = 0.2788
Torque * RPS >= Mass * 0.2788 * Velocity * (100/efficiency%) / (2PI) / #Wheels
0.0981 * 2.19 >= 7 * 0.2788 * Velocity * (100/30) / (2PI) / 4
0.2148 >= Velocity * 0.2588
0.8299 >= Velocity
**This seems to suggest that A4WD1 is able to carry a total mass of 7kg,
and still achieve an acceleration of 0.2788 m/s^2 (at best)
without overheating the four GHM-04 motors under its 0.0981 Nm rated torque/load.
However, I believe this calculation is only valid when A4WD1 is “travelling in straight lines”
and I am unsure of how to calculate for the case when A4WD1 needs to perform Skid Steering
such as Spin (In Place Pivot) and Hard Turn (Circular Pivot).
I am sincerely hoping for some advice on how to calculate the amount of Torque needed to do Skid Steering…**
because based on my experience, 4 Wheeled Robots are unable to “turn smoothly”
where the main cause seems to be due to friction, according to both websites below:
But I am unsure of how to take friction into account, and am sincerely hoping for detailed guidance on this…