How hard is it to program a hexapod?

Hi guys,
This may seem like a weird question but I have programmed in python before but not in anything arduino related. I have designed a hexapod fairly similar to the phoenix but as it is slightly different, it is about 1 cm smaller so i am guessing I can’t used the phoenix code, or can I? Any way I want to start learning arduino stuff but I’m guessing that if I want to start learning it an 18 servo robot probably isn’t the place to start? I want to controlled it via a ps2 controller using the ssc32 and the botboard ardunio by the way. So basically if the phoenix code won’t work how long would it take someone to learn the language to a point at which they could make it walk?

Yep, you can use the Arduino code. The same Phoenix code runs on all of the Lynxmotion robots, as well as on some others including the Arbotix PhantomX, plus… The code is split up into multiple pieces, which include the main stuff, A set of Servo drivers (choose one depending on drivers), and Input methods, which include PS2, Arbotix Commander, DIY XBee, … Again choose one.

My current stuff is up on github.\kurte in the Arduino_Phoenix_Parts project. There is a readme up there to help hopefully get you started. Once you have all of the libs in the right directory, you can choose one of the configurations I uploded, by going to the File\Examples\Phoenix menu and choose one, which will open up a window with a real simple main program and a second tab which is the config file. You simply need to update the config file with your specific sizes, angles… And then save (which will prompt you for a new name/location). Hopefully a few tries later you should be up and running.


Hi Kurt,
That stuff looks great, thanks very much! A couple of questions though if you dont mind, what do you mean by have also the clubs in the right directorys? Do I download all everything from the ardunio phoenix parts section of you area - or just some specific bits? And finally, once I have downloaded these things how’s can I chose a configuration, I can’t seem to find 'examples/phoenix menu anywhere? Sorry if these are really basic questions!
Thanks very much!

With Arduino, there are two main places you can install libraries for a program to find them
/libraries - Example on my machine: C:\arduino-1.0.3\libraries

Or contained within your Sketchbook. I prefer this method, as I often have multiple versions of Arduino on my machine and hate having to copy libraries around. So on my machine it is: C:\Users\Kurt\Documents\Arduino\libraries

So if you put all of those directories you downloaded into the \libraries folder, and then restart the IDE, the stuff should show up in the examples folder.


Thanks very much!