Man, I used to know this but tonight, I just can't seem to get it back... If I have a variabe that is coming in at between 0 and 255 and I need it inverted so that 0 is now 255 and 255 is now 0, what is the equasion? This should be so simple, I just can't seem to remember how to do it!
C'mon math Gods, gimme what you got!!
Convert to 8 bit binary and
Convert to 8 bit binary and NOT it. 01010101 becomes 10101010
well… I need it in picaxe --it has to be a if/ then or a add and subtract kinda thing…
your number - 255if result
your number - 255
if result is < 0 then multiply by -1
close but no cigar… picaxe does not do negitive numbers…
255 - your number the result 255 - your number the result is the inverse.
because of the wrap-around on bytes!!! My boy, I think you’ve got it! (English accent)
I love how I went with the I love how I went with the hard solutions first.
don’t you just shift a bit
don’t you just shift a bit over 1? picaxe can do this…
edit: sorry being mental, I read it in the same area, the command is REV…
May 5, 2009, 7:42am
Ha I was surprised someone Ha I was surprised someone as smart as you, CTC, wouldn’t know how to do that XD.