How Do I Interpret DC Motor Specifications?

@Jonathan You might consider a small spur gear motor with high gear ratio:

I want to ask what specs of the motor do i need to generate a torque of5kg cm

@Ujjwal The motorā€™s torque should be specified in its datasheet.


I am planning to buy a treadmill. The shop manager said to me, treadmill uses 120 watts dc motor with 1.5 hp. Is it true? I need low power consumption equipment. Because,already our bill is around 2000. Please help meā€¦

@Vimal 120W converts to around 0.16 horsepower. The power consumption will related to the speed; it should not always be consuming high current. Consider that a normal light bulb is 60W, so a full motor consuming the same power as two light bulbs is pretty good.

i bought a motor and the datasheet that came with it says:-
13000 rpm @ No load
50:1 Gear ratio
260 rpm @ 6V
40mA @ 6V
360mA stall current @ 6V
10 oz inches torque @ 6V

i have a few questions:
1-how can i calculate the stall torque
2-what is the 10 oz inch torque given
3-how can i calculate the motor constants -namely Kt,Ke and electrical Resistance of the motor

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

@max 1) The stall torque is normally provided; the 10 oz-in may be either the maximum continuous rotation or the stall; you should contact the place where you purchased the motor to clarify, or check the spec sheet 2) See previous reply 3) Normally these are provided. If not, they would ideally need to be tested.

I know only how much load is to applied to my experiment i.e, Cantilever beam subjected to an forced vibration,when an motor is placed at one end and the shaft is connected to a disc, for this disc an eccentric mass is added. The approximate load on shaft is 5kg i.e around 50N, so can I get the information what type of motor should be used for this condition, & what may be the minimum speed required to rotate the shaft at that loading condition

@Srikanth Since your question is more design related, can you create a new topic on the RobotShop Forum under ā€œactuatorsā€ and perhaps provide a drawing of the setup and what you would like the actuator to do?

my question is regarding vacuum pump. suppose a 12V dc vacuum pump is used to take out air from bag, how much of volt battery and how many do i need?

@avs An air pump usually has a rating in cubic feet of air per minute (at a rated voltage). If not, youā€™ll need to know the rated voltage and test how fast it can evacuate air.

i tried to use four 150 rpm dc motors via 12V,500 mA dc adapter but itā€™s not working.Please suggest the correct way.

@Suwarna We would need a lot more information about the motors, your setup etc. Please create a new topic on the RobotShop Forum and provide details.

hai im currently doing my final year project need your guide on selecting 12v dc motor wattage so that it be able to move my load 5kg(max) forward and reverse that will be controlled by my microcontroller

@shaera We suggest taking a look here:

I used a motor from electro kit whose imput current is not mentioned shall i test it with 12 v adapter reply fast

@Dhiraj If you are not sure what the input voltage is, and cannot find it anywhere (even after contacting the manufacturer), then itā€™s best to start low at 6V.

I want to use small 12 Volt DC motor with gear combination to make a jig to lift-up 2 tons. What is your recommendation? Do I need to get right matching of gear combination? If yes please help me to calculate the correct data. Thanks. Jemes

What does it mean of the gear ratio of a DC motor is 120:1. What does 120 and 1 stand for? I understand they are the ratio between the no of teeth, but which gears?

@Dragos The numbers represent the gear ratio, in this case the gears act to reduce the speed by a factor of 120 and increase the torque by a factor of 120. There are likely many gears needed to create this ratio.