How did you find LMR?


Was the old man’s name Fritsl, by any chance?


Hey - the other day I

Hey - the other day I actually took up that speed controller again… and somehow it just worked perfectly! Absolutely no problems what so ever!!

Only minus is that is has only got one out, and not 2 as you’d often whish for a robot.

I really do not know why we could not make that work about a year ago or something - it must have been because we had less clues than today, I do not know… It just works perfect today :smiley:

Yes I have used it with

Yes I have used it with success too in Robot Hansen. Does yours also make a loud irritating noise when running? (Hmm… actually I don’t know if it’s the motor or the regulator that makes the noise).

I suspect that it is the PWM that is set in the audible frequency range - and I think I read somewhere that it is more efficient to do that than to have it at higher frequencies.

We’ve come a long way since back then! Well… I haven’t really done that many robots, but I do know a lot more about electronics than I did back then :slight_smile:

No noise here!
No noise here!

I was looking for examples
I was looking for examples of tracked bots using PICAXE microcontrollers and happened across the YDR video.