I hope for some suggestions of the community concerning the integration of a Lynxmotion PS2 V4 controller with the SSC-32U Servo controller.
I bought the SSC-32U with the Bluetooth Bee hoping to connect the PS2 controller this way, instead of using the included Bluetooth receiver and breakoutboard. But I cannot find any docs about the procedure of how to pair the PS2 controller with the Bluetooth Bee. I powered the SSC-32U and switched on the PS2 controller, but the Bluetooth Bee did not light the link LED. On the PS2 controller the power led and the mode led are flashing and after a while they went out.
Without any docs about the procedure I cannot see a possibility on how to proceed.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Well, that won’t work directly. The Lynxmotion PS2 V4 controller is not a Bluetooth controller. I’m not sure where you got info that tells you it is, but if you know where it was please post a link to it so it can be rectified.
The Bluetooth Bee is meant as a serial communication replacement (instead of using wires to TX/RN/RNG or the USB port) and therefore cannot be used to connect to another peripheral (such as a Bluetooth-enabled controller) since it is a peripheral too, not a controller/host device.
The reason why you cannot find such a procedure being documented is that it is not something that can be done (see info above).
Lynxmotion projects that use the V4 controller connect it through its breakout board to the BotBoarduino (an Arduino compatible microcontroller board).
Hi @Scharette,
I am trying to build a hexapod with parts I am printing on my 3D printer.
There is a lot of information around the topic of building a hexapod and control it with a PS2 controller. But nothing fits precisely together. So I had to dig deeper and make my one conclusions.
As software solution I downloaded a packet HexapodMega from Github. The software is a modified version of a phoenix core system. This software contains a C++ class definitions for InputBTCon. Means the software can establish a connection to bluetooth controller. From the config file can be followed that an PS2 controller can be used. The hardware platform is Arduino (Mega) and as a servo controller SSC-32U. The class functions establish connection to an PS2 controller via serial communication.As microcontroller I like to use a Mega2560 instead of a Boardoino.
Then I saw the advertisement for the SSC-32U with the Bluetooth Bee interface, and the Lynxmotion PS2 wireless controller. From there came my idea, there is a way to connect these both parts via bluetooth, and the arduino board can receive PS2 commands via the SSC-32U.
On the other hand I also found a PS2x library for arduino to receive PS2 commands. This I’ve got to run.
According to your answer I have to connect the PS2 breakout board to my arduino. By what means can I receive the data from the PS2 as serial data?
Now I’m wondering how the InputBTCon class gets the connection to a BT Controller via serial connection.
Since you will be using HexapodMega you will want to contact the maintainer/team of that project for support on how to integrate that with either a proper Bluetooth receiver/host type device (prob. through an extra breakout board or shield for Arduino) or using the Arduino PS2X library with their version of the code.
edit: There is a Arduino Mega compatible version of the PS2X lib here.
Hi Scharette,
thanks for your answers. I found a solution. I mixed two phoenix versions and adapted them to my configuration. The Lynxmotion controller I connected to my arduino ATMEGA. Now I am testing the whole system. Generally it works, but I have problems with some servos which I have to change.
I’d be curious to see what you did. Maybe you should make a pull request with the original source you used when you are done testing/confirming it all works! Drop the community a link here if you do.