Hokuyo UST-20LX Lidar Windows 10 Setup


I require your help regarding a problem I’m encountering.

I bought the Hokuyo UST-20LX Lidar and I want to use it with the windows computer. Can you please help me set the Liadar with the ethernet connection to the computer running windows 10, Thanks.

Hello @xubi1993 !

Great to see you here. I found this tool for viewing, recording and replaying URG sensor data.
And this tutorial show how to set up the URG sensor, how to make program to acquire data, and how to make applications for URG sensor etc.

I hope this could help you! :grin:

Hello @RoboCS!

Thanks for the quick reply. I have “UrgBenriPlus” desktop app to view the sensor data. But the problem is in the tutorial you have mentioned there is no information about how to get get data from the ethernet connector as my model comes with the ehternet connection and not with the usb connection. I have tried to convert it to usb by using ethernet to usb converted but still my system is not detecting it as a serial COM port connection. Sorry if it all sound too basic because I am new to all this hardware stuff.



If you check the product’s documentation, found on the product page under Useful Links you will find the following info:

  • In document “UST-20LX Specification.pdf” on page 6 you’ll find the details on the Ethernet connection (section 10).
  • In document “SCIP Specifications.pdf” you’ll find all the details on communicating with the device.

To communicate with the sensor you will need to use network packets (TCP/IP), not a COM port.
That being said most programming languages & environments should have all the parts required to do so. Once raw data (bytes!) is obtained from either a COM or a network packet it is pretty much the same to analyze the protocol. It will be a similar when you create a packet to communicate with the device.

The SCIP document refers to C-42-03886 for more details. I think this is a valid copy of it.

According to the Hokuyo website, this should work with IP address search if the device is connected by Ethernet to the same subnet as you. If you prefer to download it from the Hokuyo website directly, you can do so here (or on this page, under downloads). Just note that you’ll need a valid account to access the download.

I hope this helps!


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Thank you everyone for the help. I got Hokuyo UST-20LX working by doing the following:

  • Provide the power to the LIDAR by cutting the power connector and extracting the Blue and Brown wire. Brown for power and Blue for the ground.
  • On brown wire provide 12V current of atleast 1A, in my case I used 12V 3A power adapter.
  • Once you do that the LIDAR light will start to blink and than turn on it means the LIDAR have the power now.
  • Connect the LIDAR Ethernet connector to the system RJ45 connector.
  • Set these settings on the Ethernet port for ipv4.
  • IpAdress:, SubnetMask:, DefaultGateway:
  • Install the ROS (Robot Operating System) on your windows 10 computer LinkToROS
  • Use this software LinkToUrgBenri, to test the LIDAR working.

I hope this helps anybody new who comes around looking like me! :slightly_smiling_face:
Thank you!


Yup, that sounds about normal for the models with Ethernet ports.

Make sure your power supply has very low noise! :slight_smile: It is pretty tolerant but ripples should be of less than 10% according to the datasheet. This is usually only a problem if you also power motors or other high power/inductive loads simultaneously with the same power source.

Thanks for sharing your solution. Glad you could work it out.

Looking forward to what you’ll be doing with this sensor!
