hexpod blues

i finally have every thing done on my hex-pod and now the controller wont work not even over DB-9 connector (serial to pc) or the wired controller i have… what am i downing wrong also all the jumpers are in the right spot.


We need more detail than that to help you.
A description of the problem you are having or from where you problems started.
Images of your boards illustrating the shorting jumpers, wiring etc.

Are you still following the Tutorials but have been faced with a problem? if so what step have you got too?
If its not that and you have configured the robot but now you are not getting a response then we need to know this otherwise we cannot eliminate other potential problems or ask you the right questions to help you.
without any info from you we are no good.

I hope someone can help you solve the issues you are having. i know how frustrating it can be when things dont work as expected. :wink:



I am having a hard time making out your picture showing the PS2 wiring. In particular from this angle I can not tell where for example the brown wire of the cable is plugged into. It almost looks like it is on Pin3 and maybe the next wire is not plugged into anything and the next one goes to pin 4. Make sure that the brown one is in pin 4 (first pin of a 4 pin group).

Also would help to have more information, like what program you are trying to run, what is working what is not. Have you tried the PS2 tutorial? lynxmotion.com/images/html/build034.htm


found out that im not getting any power to ps2 controller and the wiring is like in that diagram.

Need better pics… :frowning:

Looks like you have two separate power supplies on your bot, in that case the VL=VS jumper should be removed from the SSC-32

jumper fix did not work im just gowning to get a another controller to see if it works may have something odd with is needs wireless controller not wired probably.

I can’t really tell but are both positive and ground connected to each board? The Mini-ABB from what i can tell only has Positive hooked up and no ground. Do the lights on the SSC-32 and the Mini-ABB turn on when you apply power?

I suggest you get the LM PS2 remote and wiring. Not that expensive, and you can buy extra receivers!

Alan KM6VV