does anybody have an autonomous code for any of the hexapod:
AH3-R ,BH3-R , CH3-R , Or Phonix
using ping ultrasonic
If so please send it to my e-mail
[email protected]
does anybody have an autonomous code for any of the hexapod:
AH3-R ,BH3-R , CH3-R , Or Phonix
using ping ultrasonic
If so please send it to my e-mail
[email protected]
Hiya anyone. I bought a CH3 -R for the students in my school. We built it but cannot communicate with the Basic Atom Pro 28. Has anyone got a diagram/picture of how to connect the SSC 32 and Bot Board II with the Basic Atom Pro 28 i.e which jumpers to connect/remove and where to plug the serial connector from the computer. When we try to programme the microprocessor the Basic Atom Pro IDE says there is no communication with the chip. Please help
It would help to know a lot more details to help you out.
Like are you following any of tutorials? They give detailed information on how to hook up the Basic Atom Pro and SSC-32.
If you are using the tutorial, it would help to say something like: We completed step X, but when we go to step Y, it fails with the error…
There is detailed information on the wiring for both PS2 and Bot Board 2 (with Basic Atom Pro28):
Bot Board 2:
If the problem is simply you can not communicate with the Basic Atom Pro, there are lots of threads and tutorials on this including:
If the above does not help, we would need additional information like: What type of PC, what OS. If Vista or W7 is it 32 or 64 bit. What type of serial connection. Hard wired or USB to serial adapter. If USB which cable…
Good Luck
Thanks alot Kurte. I am new to this forum communication business so have been thumbling through. I really appreciate all the effort you have made to solve my problem. I have followed all the tutorials exactly but I now think that the Basic Atom is installed the wrong way round on the Bot Board II. My chip orientation is different to all the diagrams I have seen on the tutorials and the internet. Has anyone else had this problem with the chip wrong way round? I am desperate so will phone Lynx Motion in america today.
Yep, I have seen some chips installed backward, so check to make sure that pin1 is in the right spot… The marked half round notch shown in the topside of the thinner sides should be toward the outside of the board (not near the speaker)
Form their main website(, I believe they are all on vacation this week, so hopefully different people on the forums can help you out.
No wonder noone answered when I called! Yes, the chip was installed the wrong way. I corrected it and programmed the chip successfully as it compiled and installed. But the when I try using the PS2 controller it powers up but nothing happens. The legs get into position and are powered up, the BOT Board II LED is on and hums as expected, the SSC LED goes out when I press a PS2 button as expected, I have connected the i/o8 pin and is refered to in the Basic program. Could the chip be damaged or have I got the jumpers in correctly (I used the diagram in the tutorial, but it is different to the one in the Bot Board manual which i also used and still it does not work)
Would be good to see photo showing what jumpers are installed, how the PS2 is connected…
Again it would help to know additional information, like what program you downloaded. One using powerpod? One of the phoenix code bases?
Also which tutorial are/have you been following? Are your batteries charged and turned on? Does it look like the PS2 talking. That is when you turn the transmitter on, does both LEDS on the PS2 receiver go on steady?
I do not know how to add pictures. I used the schematic in the following tutorial:
and connected it as in the tutorial also but without the green and grey wire connected. I used the PowerPod. The batteries are charged as I have tested the voltages. I do not know what the two LED’s on the PS2 reciever are, if you mean the analog LED it lights both green and red when I press the analog button.
If you can take digital pictures, it is easy to attach them. Some of the details are in the thread: viewtopic.php?f=32&t=2230
So you used powerpod. We need to verify that you choose the appropriate options in powerpod before you generated your program. If you load up the program that was generated, do the comments at the top sound right, like For basic Atom Pro 28, Bot Board 2, PS2 and SSC-32?
If you scroll down aways in the source file, does it define the PS2 correctly? Something like:
[code]DAT con P12
CMD con P13
SEL con P14
CLK con P15
;*** SSC-32 card communication on pin 8 ***
SSC32 con p8[/code]
Note: it has been awhile since I have used powerpod so mine may be out of date. My CHR-3 currently does not have a Basic Atom Pro28 on it so I can not verify if current code works on current IDE.
What version of the Basic Atom Pro Studio are you using?
The code is excatly as you have written. The version I am using is Basic Micro Studio Version
In the top of the code is reads:
Use Basic Micro ATOM PRO IDE
; *** not suitable for IDE (there’s a specific version for this IDE)
; *** not suitable for IDE (there’s a specific version for this IDE)
; Use Basic Atom PRO 28
;*** Basic Atom with SSC-32 and PS2 DualShock ***
;----------------- 1.44 3DOF-C ------------------
;--------------- PS2 Controller -----------------
;-------------- Round Body (H3-R) ---------------
;********** Bot Board Buzzer support ************
;***** Little Gripper / Pan & Tilt support ******
;**************** Deck support ******************
;** Programmer: Laurent Gay, [email protected] **
Is this what it should say?
that might be why you are having problems.
not sure if powerpod works in studio?
iv only ever used powerpod with the Atoms IDE’s? sorry i cannot confirm this.
you need to select the IDE you are using from the drop down menu in the powerpod program.
also make sure the other drop down menus are correct to your setup as well.
Is this true anyone, particularly anyone from Lynx motion? I am getting frustrated with this whole robot thing as well as all my students. If the Powerpod does not work with studio then what does it work with? I used the fix for the Powerpod from lynx website but it still does not work. Basically the PS2 controllers work, the Bot Board light is on as expecetd and is making the expected humming sound, the power supplies are both at full strength but the SSC-32 light does not light up at all now. Someone please help
I’m not sure if the programs generated with PowerPod work properly with Basic Micro Studio. You can use the legacy version of the Basic Atom IDE. It is available for download here:
As for the rest of your post though… What do you mean by a “humming sound”? Do you mean the Bot Board or the servos?
The LED on the SSC-32 should turn on initially, if it doesn’t, there might be a problem. Can you provide images of your wiring?
James, I was surprised so I took the 15 minutes to replace the Arduino Uno that was on my CHR-3 with a BB2/BAP28. I hooked up a PS2 and connection to SSC-32 and at first nothing, Forgot my SSC-32 was configured for 115200, so changed jumpers for 38400. I ran powerpod with the options for BAP/BB2/PS2. I Did change the code to use P11 instead of P8 for the PS2 as this matches my configurations for use Phoenix code. It then appeared to run OK. I did not test everything, but did make it turn and the like.
I am using version of studio.
Then it sounds like we may have a different problem here. I didn’t have a robot here so I couldn’t test it myself. Thanks
Configuring the robots leg offsets involves connecting the SSC-32 to the PC at 115.2kbaud. After that the Bot Board II is programmed by removing the cable from the SSC-32 and connecting it to the Bot Board. After the Bot Board is programmed the SSC-32 is connected to it to receive commands from the program installed on the Atom Pro chip. This is done by removing the DB9 enable jumpers and connecting a wire from the Bot Board II to the SSC-32. After that the SSC-32’s baud rate must be changed from 115.2kbaud to 38.4kbaud. This is because the PowerPod code does not support 115.2kbaud. To change the baud rate on the SSC-32 please remove the jumper by the D in BAUD.
So far so good?
So the legs lift the body up, then one tripod will lift and lower, then the second tripod lifts and lowers. At this point the robot is reading the joystick positions and buttons to control the walking.
You mentioned your PS2 controller the analog LED goes from green to red when you press the analog button. Is this a Lynxmotion PS2 controller or a different brand?
Now I am confused. The legacy IDE does not recognise the Basic Atom Pro 28 so how do I use it? Also I meant the servos are humming and not the BB2 so I apologies. I cannected the BB2 and SSC32 as in the H3-R Body Assembly tutorial. Perhaps I should use the Basic Micro PRO IDE V02.2.1.1 but where can I download this?
sorry Jim. I didn’t read your response before my last post. But yes I did all of the above you suggested but to no avail.
One more thing guys, I noticed that the code is as follows:
DAT con P12
CMD con P13
SEL con P14
CLK con P15
;*** SSC-32 card communication on pin 8 ***
SSC32 con p8
But should it not be:
DAT con P15
CMD con P14
SEL con P13
CLK con P12
as the blue wire is in pin 15?
The order that is defined in the file is correct. We typically connect the DAT line to P12. The color coding depends on which version of the PS2 cable you have.
Looking at the BB2 manual (
However if you disregard the labeling issues here, you want the Brown wire on P12 and the Blue on 15.