Hexapod Subspecies


During a recent visit to my local museum, I was stood admiring natures multi-legged diversity in one of the many inscet display cases.
These cases, some showing the differences between species i.e. Beetle, Arachnid etc. and some showing subspecies evolution, have
Inspired a lineup of all the different body plates that I have used for my multi-legged robots. Showing there evolution from quadruped
to pentopod to hexapod. And the evolution of my hexapod subspecies.


Arachnids are not insects. Arachnids (such as spiders) have eight legs and insects (such as beetles) have six legs.


True but he never said Arachnids were insects. He said “some showing the differences between species i.e. Beetle, Arachnid etc.” :wink:

Those are fantastic… If only I had an endless supply of 645MG servos, I would love to have a bunch of hexapods crawling around… :stuck_out_tongue: