Hexapod Project 1

This is a Hexapod Robot ive built from scractch . All parts are laser cut from 6mm acrylic It will be available as a kit form In the verry near future. The project is only a month old at the moment so it will take a little more time to get the kinks worked out .

Educational Tool

  • Actuators / output devices: hs645mg servos
  • CPU: Arduino, pololu maestro
  • Power source: Custom 6v 3300mah Nimh Battery

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/hexapod-project-1



Well done, I love these

Well done, I love these little critters. Are you going to run the code off IK calculations or just several continuous gates?

At the moment its just run of scripted gates…

But The plan is to have a second processor ( AVR ) send requests to the servo controller via IK based code. . One step at a time though.

More sensors!

Great Job! I think if you add three more IR range sensors like three ones currently installed on the robot, it could carry out obstacle avoidance better.