Hexapod HS225BB 3DOF legs, ARC32, custom code (video link)

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Hi all,

Well after posting here a couple of times, I figured I show what I’ve been up to for those interested.

Using HS225BB micro servos and an ARC32 controller, I was able to to finally get the hex to walk/rotate.

I created my own code (I’m working on a paper now for it-no, I’m not in school LOL) and plan to have it be autonomus (sp?) using a Sharp range finder.

The foot positions and servo angles are calculated ‘in batches’ for a given direction and turning angle using inverse kenimatics, and Xan’s awesome Sin/Cos/Atan/ARCCos lookup table function (THANK YOU!). I can post the code if anyone is interested…

Video is on Youtube youtube.com/watch?v=S355-fRP8Kg&context=C4a0cfadADvjVQa1PpcFOD7XdYbEB1NV0GXMWsuUZqjd6-HqBQ-CI=

I used a geometric identity called incircle to create a region that the foot can reach, so no ‘out of range’ positions are possible. This circle is used in the foot path calculation- each foot location is then sent to the IK routine for angles.
The hex can then walk in any direction
Turning was quite a challange- iI used a routine to find the intersection of the turn circle and the incircle, then plot points withing the incircle.
It uses Xan’s Sin/Cos/ArcCos/ATAN2 routine from the Phonex code (AWESOME!)
For walking, there are 5 down positions and three up positions which yeilds a tripod gate at all speeds.
For collosion avoidance it uses a LVF/moving window to pick the furthest point(s) away- and then steer the hex in that direction- the eye scans back and fourth…
It uses a simple analog joystick for control now.

There are a couple of things not yet implemented, but the code is commented pretty well… I haven’t coded in BASIC for 30 years, so don’t laugh too hard :wink:

The code has not been cleaned up yet, so a couple of extra variables are present

Final note: X is left/right, Y is front/back, and Z is up/down

Thanks to everyone on here for posting- it helped quite a lot!

Here is the code as it stands now:
** updated 3/19/2012 for syntax/comments… -eye function does not work yet**
** updated 3/24/2012 - eye works (sort of), and cleand up routine so re-path of foot occurs only if leg is off the ground- stopped turning right for some reason… I’ll post an update when it’s working…
** updated 3/24/2012 - all works. Real cool. During the video shoot, servo died. ;( Will post anyway :slight_smile:

c1DEC con 10
c2DEC con 100
c4DEC con 10000
c6DEC con 1000000

;ArcCosinus Table
;Table build in to 3 part to get higher accuracy near cos = 1.
;The biggest error is near cos = 1 and has a biggest value of 3*0.012098rad = 0.521 deg.
;- Cos 0 to 0.9 is done by steps of 0.0079 rad. (1/127)
;- Cos 0.9 to 0.99 is done by steps of 0.0008 rad (0.1/127)
;- Cos 0.99 to 1 is done by step of 0.0002 rad (0.01/64)
;Since the tables are overlapping the full range of 127+127+64 is not necessary. Total bytes: 277
GetACos bytetable 255,254,252,251,250,249,247,246,245,243,242,241,240,238,237,236,234,233,232,231,229,228,227,225, |
224,223,221,220,219,217,216,215,214,212,211,210,208,207,206,204,203,201,200,199,197,196,195,193, |
192,190,189,188,186,185,183,182,181,179,178,176,175,173,172,170,169,167,166,164,163,161,160,158, |
157,155,154,152,150,149,147,146,144,142,141,139,137,135,134,132,130,128,127,125,123,121,119,117, |
115,113,111,109,107,105,103,101,98,96,94,92,89,87,84,81,79,76,73,73,73,72,72,72,71,71,71,70,70, |
70,70,69,69,69,68,68,68,67,67,67,66,66,66,65,65,65,64,64,64,63,63,63,62,62,62,61,61,61,60,60,59, |
59,59,58,58,58,57,57,57,56,56,55,55,55,54,54,53,53,53,52,52,51,51,51,50,50,49,49,48,48,47,47,47, |
46,46,45,45,44,44,43,43,42,42,41,41,40,40,39,39,38,37,37,36,36,35,34,34,33,33,32,31,31,30,29,28, |
28,27,26,25,24,23,23,23,23,22,22,22,22,21,21,21,21,20,20,20,19,19,19,19,18,18,18,17,17,17,17,16, |

;Sin table 90 deg, precision 0.5 deg (180 values)
GetSin wordtable 0, 87, 174, 261, 348, 436, 523, 610, 697, 784, 871, 958, 1045, 1132, 1218, 1305, 1391, 1478, 1564, |
1650, 1736, 1822, 1908, 1993, 2079, 2164, 2249, 2334, 2419, 2503, 2588, 2672, 2756, 2840, 2923, 3007, |
3090, 3173, 3255, 3338, 3420, 3502, 3583, 3665, 3746, 3826, 3907, 3987, 4067, 4146, 4226, 4305, 4383, |
4461, 4539, 4617, 4694, 4771, 4848, 4924, 4999, 5075, 5150, 5224, 5299, 5372, 5446, 5519, 5591, 5664, |
5735, 5807, 5877, 5948, 6018, 6087, 6156, 6225, 6293, 6360, 6427, 6494, 6560, 6626, 6691, 6755, 6819, |
6883, 6946, 7009, 7071, 7132, 7193, 7253, 7313, 7372, 7431, 7489, 7547, 7604, 7660, 7716, 7771, 7826, |
7880, 7933, 7986, 8038, 8090, 8141, 8191, 8241, 8290, 8338, 8386, 8433, 8480, 8526, 8571, 8616, 8660, |
8703, 8746, 8788, 8829, 8870, 8910, 8949, 8987, 9025, 9063, 9099, 9135, 9170, 9205, 9238, 9271, 9304, |
9335, 9366, 9396, 9426, 9455, 9483, 9510, 9537, 9563, 9588, 9612, 9636, 9659, 9681, 9702, 9723, 9743, |
9762, 9781, 9799, 9816, 9832, 9848, 9862, 9876, 9890, 9902, 9914, 9925, 9935, 9945, 9953, 9961, 9969, |
9975, 9981, 9986, 9990, 9993, 9996, 9998, 9999, 10000

;GetSinCos / ArcCos
AngleDeg1 var sword ;Input Angle in degrees, decimals = 1
ABSAngleDeg1 var word ;Absolute value of the Angle in Degrees, decimals = 1
ssin4 var sword ;Output Sinus of the given Angle, decimals = 4
ccos4 var sword ;Output Cosinus of the given Angle, decimals = 4
AngleRad4 var sword ;Output Angle in radials, decimals = 4
NegativeValue var bit ;If the the value is Negative

AtanX var sword ;Input X
AtanY var sword ;Input Y
Atan4 var sword ;ArcTan2 output
XYhyp2 var long ;Output presenting Hypotenuse of X and Y
; Use IK to develop foot path movements within the incircle defined by:
; A=(HH pivot poit), B=(Foot position at z height at HH Max), C=(Foot position at z height at HH Min)
; Calculate (x_cen,y_cen)=foot center, incircle radius
; Then calculate (5) joint angle positions that place foot through (x_cen,y_cen) with limits at +/- radius
; (3) foot positions for foot UP at AEP (0), Center, and PEP (10)
; Define x = + out to side
; y = + towards front
; z = + up
; Horizontal angles measured counter-clockwise from y=0 from right (+)
; Vertical angles measured counter-clockwise from x,y=0 from horisontal to up (+)
;Servo offsets
HH_offset swordtable -1000, -1500, 0, 2000, 1500, 0 ;Servo offsets- actual HSERVO adders, no modifiers
HV_offset swordtable 0, 1500, 0, -2750, 750, -1250 ;leg 0,1,2,3,…
K_offset swordtable 500, -1750, -750, 1500, -1250, -250
;Foot positions
x_foot var sword(48) ;x10 X foot position in sequence (86)=48
y_foot var sword(48) ;x10 Y foot position in sequence (8
z_foot var sword(48) ;x10 Z foot position in sequence (86)=48
;Joint angles
HH_ang var sword(48) ;token angle 30,000 to -30,000 PATH
HV_ang var sword(48) ;token angle 30,000 to -30,000 PATH
K_ang var sword(48) ;token angle 30,000 to -30,000 PATH
;Global lengths
GLength bytetable 12,18,46,12,18,46,12,18,46,12,18,46,12,18,46,12,18,46 ; ( x10)… leg 0 (hip, thight, shin), leg 1 (hip, thigh…
X_Offset sbytetable -10, -16, -10, 10, 16, 10 ;X offset from center of legs 0-5 x10
Y_Offset sbytetable 23, 0, -23, 20, 0, -23 ;Y offset from center of legs 0-5 x10
;Angle limits
GHH_max swordtable 1100, 1600, 2100, 700, 200, -300 ;Left:Leg 0(Front),1(Mid),2(Rear) Right Leg 3(Front),4(Mid),5(Rear)
GHH_min swordtable 1500, 2000, 2500, 300, -200, -700 ;angles conunter-clockwise from right side
HH_max var sword(6) ; degrees x10
HH_mid var sword ; degrees x10
HH_min var sword(6) ; degrees x10
;Leg pin connections
HH_pin ByteTable 3, 22, 19, 0, 6, 16 ;hip horizontal rotate servo
HV_pin ByteTable 4, 23, 20, 1, 7, 17 ;hip vertical rotate servo
K_pin ByteTable 5, 9 , 21, 2, 8, 18 ;knee rotate servo
;Flip servo rotation directions (if needed = -1)
Flip sbytetable 1,-1,1, 1,-1,1, 1,-1,1, -1,1,-1, -1,1,-1, -1,1,-1 ; HH1, HV1, K1, HH2, HV2, K2,…
;Sequence control
seq var word ;sequence value
leg_seq var byte(6) ;sequence value for leg
leg var byte ;Leg number 0-5
leg_idle var word ;leg moving=0, stopped =1
legs_idle var word ;ALL legs stopped =1
repath var byte ;re-calulate path flag
;Joint speed control
HHdist var word ;Token travel
HVDist var word ;Token travel
Kdist var word ;Token travel
Fastest_time var word ;fastest step movement
Fast con 3633 ;fastest servo speed, in tokens/ 10,000 second
HHspeed var word ;HH servo speed
HVspeed var word ;HV servo speed
Kspeed var word ;K servo speed
step_time var word ;sequence step time, seconds x 10,000
;Height variables
height var sbyte(6) ;Z distance from HV joint to foot (-) DOWN x10 (-128 min 127 max -> -12.8 to 12.7)
height_delta var sbyte(6) ; x10 foot lift height (-) DOWN
int_height con -40 ; x10 inital leg height
;Speed and direction control
vector var sword ; angle x 10 from y axis. (-) = left, (+) = right
old_vector var sword
Speed var sbyte ;-127 to 127 (+)forward, (-)reverse
old_speed var sbyte
;Incircle variables
x_HH_max var sword ; x10 foot pos on z plane
y_HH_max var sword ; x10 foot pos on z plane
x_HH_mid var sword ; x10 foot pos on z plane
y_HH_mid var sword ; x10 foot pos on z plane
x_HH_min var sword ; x10 foot pos on z plane
y_HH_min var sword ; x10 foot pos on z plane
x_cen var sword(6) ; x10 incircle center
y_cen var sword(6) ; x10 incircle center
proj_rad var long; Max leg radius in x-y plane at z height
radius var byte(6) ;x10 incircle radius
Len_A var word ; x10
; Len_B not needed by symetery
Len_C var word ; x10
Area var long ; x10
Perimeter var word ; x10
min_radius var byte ;Smallest incircle radius of all 6 legs
;IK variables
sleg var byte ;conversion from seq to leg -> sleg=seq/9
IK_proj_rad var long
IK_psi_angle var sword
IK_theta_angle var sword
IK_cos_K_angle var sword
IK_sin_K_angle var sword
IK_temp_x var sword
IK_temp_y var sword
TurnLRC var sbyte ; -128 to 127 turn left/right
Old_turnLRC var sbyte
cen_x_turn var sword ;center of turn point x10 -> max value 3200
cen_y_turn var sword ;center of turn point x10 -> max value 3200
cen_x_in var sword ;center of incircle rel to body center x10
cen_y_in var sword ;center of incircle rel to body center x10
x1_turn var sword ;x10 -> intersection max of incircle and turn radius (body coords)
x2_turn var sword ;x10 -> intersection min of incircle and turn radius(body coords)
y1_turn var sword ;x10 -> intersection max of incircle and turn radius
y2_turn var sword ;x10 -> intersection min of incircle and turn radius
rx_turn var sword ;x10 -> offset from midpiont to circle intersection
ry_turn var sword ;x10 -> offset from midpiont to circle intersection
x3_turn var sword ;x10 -> circle mid-intersection point
y3_turn var sword ;x10 -> circle mid-intersection point
A_turn var word ;x10
H_turn var word ;x10
cen_dist var word ;x10 Distance between incircle center and turn center
;Joystick variables
Joy_speed var word
Joy_speed_center con 445
Joy_db con 50
Joy_shighslope con 417
Joy_shighinter con -115
Joy_slowslope con 302
Joy_slowinter con -127
Joy_speed_pin con 31
Joy_turn_pin con 30
Joy_turn var word
Joy_turn_center con 510
;Eye variables
Eye_H swordtable -9335, -8297, -7260, -6223, -5186, -4149, -3112, -2074, -1037, 0, 1037, 2074, 3112, 4149, 5186, 6223, 7260, 8297, 9335 ;Token -> -45,-40,… 0, 5, 10…45; 40/67 factor
Eye_H_pin con 10
Eye_val_pin con 24
scan_flag var bit ;1 = scan done
Look_index var byte ;index for eye H table
Look_inc var sbyte ;index direction
window_square var word ;calc square root sum of squares
window_square_max var word ;max square root sum of squares
hole_index var byte ;index position of largest value
Eye_dist_temp var word
Eye_dist var word (19) ;distance value
Eye_dist_last var word(19) ;prevoius distance value
close con 35 ;distance considered “close enough” in centimeters
clock var long ;clock value
clock_bit var clock.bit21 ; cycles every 2^21 / 20,000,000 = 0.104 seconds
;Behavior varaibles
Mood var byte ;speed =2
((mood/2)-64) -> 1= fast reverse, 128 = stop, 255 = fast forward
dest_x var sword ;someday…
dest_y var sword
Auto con 1 ;1= auto control, 0= joystick
;Other variables
i var byte ; counter
ii var byte ; couter
ileg var byte ;leg sequence counter- DO NOT USE FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE!
Pi con 31416 ;Pi x 10,000
iconvert con 19099 ; radians to token -> 30,000/(pi/2) = 19099
angle_temp_i var sword ; 0-360 deg * 10
; Start Program
FOR i = 1 to 20 ;give us a few seconds after power up
HIGH P45 ;status light
PAUSE 2500/i
PAUSE 2500/i
;Initialze servos so hex leg looks like _/-
FOR i = 0 to 5
HSERVO[HH_pin(i)\0+HH_offset(i)] ;move to zero position
FOR i = 0 to 5
HSERVO[HV_pin(i)\200008/15flip(i3+1)+HV_offset(i)] ;move to 60 deg position
FOR i = 0 to 5
HSERVO[K_pin(i)\0+K_offset(i)] ;move to zero position
;If conected…
HSEROUT "VS1 voltage is: ",real (TOFLOAT hservostate 32)/1024.0
HSEROUT "VL voltage is: ",real (TOFLOAT hservostate 33)/1024.020.0\2,“v”,13]
;Initialize incircles
FOR leg = 0 to 5
HH_max(leg) = GHH_max(leg)
HH_min(leg) = GHH_min(leg)
height(leg) = int_height
height_delta(leg) = 10
GOSUB Change_height[leg]
GOSUB Incircle[leg]
GOSUB Get_min_radius
;Lower hex to initial height and move to tripod gate start
FOR leg = 0 to 5
8) = ABS(x_cen(leg)) ;Hip offset + thigh
y_foot(leg8) = 0
GOSUB IK_foot[leg
8] ;seq=0,8,16…
;Raise hex to start height
step_time =10000 ;5 sec
FOR leg = 0 to 5
leg_seq(leg)=0 ;just to be sure
GOSUB Leg_movement[leg]
HSERVOWAIT [HH_pin(5), HV_pin(5), K_pin(5)] ;last leg
;**** intitialize some variables *****
vector = 0
look_index =0
look_inc = 1
scan_flag =0
mood = 128
;Calc paths
FOR leg = 0 to 5
GOSUB Path_down[leg]
GOSUB Path_up[leg]
GOSUB Get_fastest_time ;ALL legs
GOSUB Tripod_gait ;set gait
;Set inital positions-> front, rear, center
leg = 0
GOSUB Reset_leg[leg]
leg = 3
GOSUB Reset_leg[leg]
leg = 2
GOSUB Reset_leg[leg]
leg = 5
GOSUB Reset_leg[leg]
leg = 1
GOSUB Reset_leg[leg]
leg = 4
GOSUB Reset_leg[leg]
;Get desired height
;Get speed input, turning input, and strafe vector input
speed =2*((mood/2)-64) ;1= fast reverse, 128 = stop, 255 = fast forward
GOSUB Eye_look ;radius_turn is calc in sub
IF Old_turnLRC <> turnLRC THEN
Old_turnLRC = turnLRC
GOSUB Joystick
vector = 0
IF Old_turnLRC <> turnLRC THEN
Old_turnLRC = turnLRC
; Max speed: Speed=125, Min speed: Speed=1 per sequence step.
; Speed = distance/time -> Speed = ABS(Pos1-Pos2) x (0.02)/time… 0.02 is req’d HSERVO constant
; Set time to: 0.05s(fastest safe) to 0.2s(slowest)
IF ABS(Speed) < 125 THEN ; Set servo step speed as ratio of Speed
Step_time = 2000-12ABS(Speed) ; Step time -> 500 to 1982
ELSE ;Use fastest possible time for same-time arrival of joints
Step_time = fastest_time ;
GOSUB Get_All_State
IF legs_idle AND(Speed <> 0 OR turnLRC <>0) THEN
FOR ileg =0 to 5
;Change z_foot
;Check each leg to see if height or step height has changed
IF z_foot(ileg
8)<>height(ileg) OR height_delta(ileg)<>(z_foot(ileg8+7)-z_foot(ileg8)) THEN ;use sequence position 0 and 7
GOSUB Change_height[ileg]
GOSUB Incircle[ileg]
IF repath = 1 AND leg_seq(ileg)=6 THEN ;only re-path if leg in air
GOSUB Get_min_radius
GOSUB Path_down[ileg]
GOSUB Path_up[ileg]
GOSUB Get_fastest_time
IF ileg = 5 THEN ;Last leg. Reset repath
GOSUB Leg_movement [ileg]
;This mess allows cycling of sequence fowards and backwards based on speed vaule AND turing in place
IF (leg_seq(ileg) <7 AND speed>0) OR (leg_seq(ileg)>0 AND speed<0) THEN
leg_seq(ileg) = leg_seq(ileg) + speed/ABS(speed)
ELSEIF leg_seq(ileg)=0 and speed<0
leg_seq(ileg) = 7
ELSEIF leg_seq(ileg) =7 and speed>0
leg_seq(ileg) = 0
ELSEIF speed=0 ;turning in place
IF leg_seq(ileg)<7 THEN
leg_seq(ileg) = leg_seq(ileg) + 1
leg_seq(ileg) = 0
GOTO Walking ;lather, rinse, repeat…
Leg_movement [leg]
;distance from HERE to leg_seq sequence position
HHdist = ABS(HSERVOPOS(HH_pin(leg))-HH_offset(leg)-flip(leg3)(HH_ang(leg8+leg_seq(leg))))
HVdist = ABS(HSERVOPOS(HV_pin(leg))-HV_offset(leg)-flip(leg
Kdist = ABS(HSERVOPOS(K_pin(leg))-K_offset(leg)-flip(leg3+2)(K_ang(leg8+leg_seq(leg))))
HHspeed= 200
HVspeed= 200HVdist/step_time ;200 = 10000/50
Kspeed= 200
HSERVO [HH_pin(leg) \ flip(leg3)HH_ang(leg8+leg_seq(leg))+HH_offset(leg) \ HHspeed, |
HV_pin(leg) \ flip(leg
3+1)HV_ang(leg8+leg_seq(leg))+HV_offset(leg) \ HVspeed, |
K_pin(leg) \ flip(leg3+2)K_ang(leg8+leg_seq(leg))+K_offset(leg) \ Kspeed ]
;get current ACTUAL leg states
Legs_idle = HSERVOIDLE(HH_Pin(0)) AND |
;Get smallest incircle radius ->step lengths will be the same
min_radius =255 ;reset to high value
FOR leg = 0 to 5
IF radius(leg)< min_radius THEN
min_radius = radius(leg)
;Find minimum time possible (maximum movement time) for use in servo speed
;for all current foot path positions for ALL legs
fastest_time = 1 ;reset
FOR leg = 0 to 5
FOR i = 0 to 6
HHdist = ABS(HH_ang(leg8+i)-HH_ang(Leg8+i+1)) ;distance to next sequence position
HVdist = ABS(HV_ang(Leg8+i)-HV_ang(Leg8+i+1))
Kdist = ABS(K_ang(Leg8+i)-K_ang(Leg8+i+1))
IF fastest_time < 200HHdist/fast THEN
fastest_time = 200
IF fastest_time < 200HVdist/fast THEN
fastest_time = 200
IF fastest_time < 200Kdist/fast THEN
fastest_time = 200
;Add 7 to 0- lower foot
HHdist = ABS(HH_ang(Leg8+7)-HH_ang(Leg8))
HVdist = ABS(HV_ang(Leg8+7)-HV_ang(Leg8))
Kdist = ABS(K_ang(Leg8+7)-K_ang(Leg8))
IF fastest_time < 200HHdist/fast THEN
fastest_time = 200
IF fastest_time < 200HVdist/fast THEN
fastest_time = 200
IF fastest_time < 200Kdist/fast THEN
fastest_time = 200
IK_foot [seq] ; seq= sequence position 0 to 48
;Calculate IK angles for x,y,z position at sequence position seq
;Use x_foot(seq), y_foot(seq), z_foor(seq) as coord for calcs
sleg = seq/8 ;seq/8 converts 0-48 to 0-5
GOSUB GetAtan2[ABS(x_foot(seq)),y_foot(seq)] ;ABS removes sign-> no calcs for -x values!
HH_ang(seq) = Atan4 * iconvert /100008/15 ; from radians to token, 8/15 = servo conversion for HS225BB
; total leg length for IK calc (remove fixed extension at Hip horz)
IK_proj_rad = sqr(x_foot(seq)x_foot(seq)+y_foot(seq)y_foot(seq))-glength(sleg3)
;cos(K_angle) = (lenght^2 + height^2 - thigh^2 - shin^2) / 2 x (thigh + shin)
IK_cos_K_angle = 10000
IK_proj_rad+z_foot(seq)z_foot(seq)-Glength(sleg3+1)Glength(sleg3+1) |
-Glength(sleg3+2)Glength(sleg3+2)) / (2Glength(sleg3+1)Glength(sleg3+2))
IK_sin_K_angle = -SQR(100000000-IK_cos_K_angle
IK_cos_K_angle) ;sin(a)^2+cos(b)^2 =1 IF a+b = pi/2 (90 deg)
GOSUB GetArcCos[IK_cos_K_angle]
; ** NOTE ** Knee angle DOWN 90 deg-> knee “0” perpendicular to thigh, parallel = 30,000
K_ang(seq) = (30000-AngleRad4iconvert/10000)8/15 ;8/15 = servo conversion for HS225BB
GOSUB GetAtan2[IK_proj_rad,z_foot(seq)]
IK_theta_angle = Atan4 ;Radians x 10,000
IK_temp_x = Glength(sleg
3+1) + IK_cos_K_angle
IK_temp_y = IK_sin_K_angle * Glength(sleg
GOSUB GetAtan2[IK_temp_x,IK_temp_y]
IK_psi_angle = Atan4 ;Radians x 10,000
HV_ang(seq) = (IK_theta_angle-IK_psi_angle)iconvert/100008/15 ;8/15 = servo conversion for HS225BB
'HSEROUT [13,"IK Routine “, DEC sleg, “->”, DEC seq,” HH: ", SDEC HH_ang(seq), " HV: ",SDEC HV_ang(seq), " K: ",SDEC K_ang(seq) ]
Change_height [leg]
;Change z_foot values for leg
FOR i = 0 to 4
z_foot(leg8+i) = height(leg) ;foot down ->sequence 0-4,9-13,…
FOR i = 5 to 7
8+i) = height(leg) + height_delta(leg)
; Use max and min foot points to calculate incircle circumscribed by triangle
; Find (x,y) coord in z plane for Max, Mid, and Min
;proj radius = SQRT(thigh+shin)^2-height^2]+hip -> Leg projected max radius in X-Y plane at (z) height
proj_rad = SQR((GLength(leg3+1)+Glength(leg3+2))(GLength(leg3+1)+Glength(leg3+2)) - height(leg)height(leg))+ GLength(leg3)
;Get HH max, HH min, HH mid (x,y) points
GOSUB Getsincos[HH_max(leg)]
x_HH_max = ccos4 * proj_rad/10000 ; x component
y_HH_max = ssin4 * proj_rad/10000 ; y component
HH_mid = (HH_max(leg) + HH_min(leg))/2 ; Mid HH angle
GOSUB Getsincos[HH_mid]
x_HH_mid = ccos4 * proj_rad/10000 ; x component
y_HH_mid = ssin4 * proj_rad/10000 ; y component
GOSUB Getsincos[HH_min(leg)]
x_HH_min = ccos4 * proj_rad/10000 ; x component
y_HH_min = ssin4 * proj_rad/10000 ; y component
;Triangle side A length is distance between max and min points
Len_A = SQR ((x_HH_max-x_HH_min)
(x_HH_max-x_HH_min) +(y_HH_max-y_HH_min)(y_HH_max-y_HH_min))
;Triangle side C and B length is leg reach radius
Len_C = proj_rad
GOSUB Getsincos[ABS(HH_max(leg) - HH_min(leg))/2];angle between angles
Area = Len_A * Len_C * ccos4 / 20000 ; A= Bh/2
Perimeter = Len_A + 2
Len_C ;Len_B = Len_C
radius(leg) = 2 * Area / Perimeter
;center of incircle is defined as cen(x,y) = vertex(x,y)side length/perimeter
x_cen(leg) = (x_HH_max
Len_C + x_HH_minLen_C)/Perimeter ; Len_B = Len_C
y_cen(leg) = (y_HH_max
Len_C + y_HH_minLen_C)/Perimeter ; Len_B = Len_C
;Calculate 3 foot positions- cheat and use same (x,y) as foot down positions!
;Foot Up AEP
x_foot(leg8+7) = x_foot(leg8) ;AEP position
y_foot(leg8+7) = y_foot(leg8)
GOSUB IK_Foot[leg8+7]
; Foot Up PEP
8+5) = x_foot(leg8+4) ;PEP position
8+5) = y_foot(leg8+4)
GOSUB IK_Foot[leg
; Remaining posion is center
x_foot(leg8+6) = x_cen(leg)
8+6) = y_cen(leg)
GOSUB IK_Foot[leg8+6]
;Calculate 5 foot positions along vector at (X_cen, Y_cen) inside Incircle defined by HH_min and HH_max
; along line at angle vector
FOR i = 0 to 4 ;5 positions
GOSUB Getsincos[900-vector] ;rotate bt vector
x_foot(leg8+i) = x_cen(leg) + ccos4 * min_radius * (2-i)/20000
8+i) = y_cen(leg) + ssin4 * min_radius * (2-i)/20000
GOSUB IK_Foot[leg8+i]
ELSE ;Turning!
;Turn point os always out to either side. Radius defined by magnitude of turnLRC
;Smooth out changes in turn input radius
IF speed=0 THEN ;turn in place
cen_x_turn = 0
cen_y_turn = 0
;Get center of turning point -> (-) is left side, (+) is right side…
cen_x_turn = 3
(128 - ABS(TurnLRC))ABS(turnLRC)/turnLRC ;(-) is left, (+) is right
cen_y_turn = 0
;Calc intersection points of incircle at center(x,y) and radius turn (x,y)
;Incircle radius is already caluclated (first circle)
cen_x_in = x_cen(leg)+x_offset(leg) ;incircle center with coords base at body center
cen_y_in = y_cen(leg)+y_offset(leg)
;cen_dist to be the distance between incircle center and turn point => second circle radius
cen_dist = SQR((cen_x_turn-cen_x_in)
;a = (r1^2 -r2^2 + d^2) / 2
d -> since r2 = d -> a = r1^2 / 2d
A_turn = 100
min_radiusmin_radius/(2cen_dist) ;x100. ** does not check if cen_dist =0**
;H = SQRT(r1^2 - a^2). Check if r1<=a then there is no solution(one circle is within another).
IF min_radius100 <= A_turn THEN
;Oh crap. Well, this sucks. Let’s, um, pick another turn point that’s like real close…
WHILE min_radius
100 <= A_turn
;Move turn center away from incircle center, without crossing center
;new value = old value + turn radius * sign - incircle center
cen_x_turn = cen_x_turn + 3*(128 - ABS(TurnLRC))ABS(turnLRC)/turnLRC - cen_x_in
;Same calcs
cen_dist = SQR((cen_x_turn-cen_x_in)
A_turn = 100
;H = SQRT(r1^2 - a^2)
H_turn = SQR(min_radiusmin_radius10000-A_turnA_turn)
;Point between crcles:
;x3 = x1 + (x2-x1) * a/d
;y3 = y1 + (y2-y1) * a/d
;rx = (0-(y2-y1)) * (h/d) NOTE-> signs will flip below from “-(y2-y1)”
;ry = (x2-x1) * (h/d)
;Max intercept: xi1 = x3 + rx, yi1 = y3 + ry
;Min intercept: xi2 = x3 - rx, yi2 = y3 - ry
;Flip signs of rx and ry by sign of turnLRC
rx_turn = -(cen_y_turn-cen_y_in)H_turn/(cen_dist100) turnLRC/ABS(turnLRC)
ry_turn = (cen_x_turn-cen_x_in)H_turn/(cen_dist100) turnLRC/ABS(turnLRC)
x3_turn = cen_x_in + (cen_x_turn-cen_x_in)A_turn/(cen_dist100)
y3_turn = cen_y_in + (cen_y_turn-cen_y_in)A_turn/(cen_dist100)
;AEP position
8) = x3_turn + rx_turn-x_offset(leg)
8) = y3_turn + ry_turn-y_offset(leg)
;PEP position
8+4) = x3_turn - rx_turn-x_offset(leg)
y_foot(leg8+4) = y3_turn - ry_turn-y_offset(leg)
;It would be possible here to rotate foot positions by strafe vector:
;max_vector = SQR((xmax_turn-x_cen(leg))
;GOSUB GetAtan2 [xmax_turn, ymax_turn],angle_temp_i
;GOSUB Get_sin_cos[900-vector+angle_temp_i
;xmax_turn = x_cen(leg) + ccos4 * max_vector /10000
;ymax_turn = y_cen(leg) + ssin4 * max_vector /10000
;min_vector = SQR((xmin_turn-x_cen(leg))(xmin_turn-x_cen(leg))+(ymin_turn-y_cen(leg))(ymin_turn-y_cen(leg)))
;GOSUB GetAtan2 [xmin_turn, ymin_turn],angle_temp_i
;GOSUB Get_sin_cos[900-vector+angle_temp_i1800/Pi]
;xmin_turn = x_cen(leg) + ccos4 * min_vector /10000
;ymin_turn = y_cen(leg) + ssin4 * min_vector /10000
;Center is the incircle center
8+2) = x_cen(leg)
y_foot(leg8+2) = y_cen(leg)
; Avg value for other points
8+1) = (x_foot(leg8) + x_cen(leg))/2
8+1) = (y_foot(leg8) + y_cen(leg))/2
8+3) = (x_foot(leg8+4) + x_cen(leg))/2
8+3) = (y_foot(leg8+4) + y_cen(leg))/2
;Calc joint angles
'HSEROUT [13, " TurnLRC: ", SDEC turnLRC, " Speed: ", SDEC speed, " H turn: ", DEC h_turn, " A Turn: ", DEC A_turn]
FOR i = 0 to 4
'HSEROUT [13,"Leg “, DEC leg,” (x,y): ", SDEC x_foot(leg
8+i), ", ", SDEC y_foot(leg8+i)]
GOSUB IK_foot [leg
;get current leg state
Leg_idle = HSERVOIDLE(HH_Pin(leg)) AND |
;Place feet in inital positions
;Tripod gait R3 = R1 = L2, R2 = L1 = L3
leg_seq(0) = 0 ;L1
leg_seq(1) = 4 ;L2
leg_seq(2) = 0 ;L3
leg_seq(3) = 4 ;R1
leg_seq(4) = 0 ;R2
leg_seq(5) = 4 ;R3
;use variation of LVF (Google it) to determine if obstacles in field of vision
IF HSERVOIDLE(Eye_H_pin) AND clock_bit THEN
;Read value
Eye_dist_temp = HSERVOSTATE Eye_val_pin
;Calc distance and limit values
;higher voltage = shorter distance. Min distance ~ 15, Max distance =150
IF Eye_dist_temp< 80 THEN ;No object in range
LOW P45 ;Nothing there
Eye_dist(Look_index)=150 ;Max value
HIGH P45 ;I see something!
Eye_dist(Look_index)= 12288/Eye_dist_temp ;12288 =1024/560 ->60 is eye constant
'HSEROUT [13,"Eye Routine pin value: ", DEC Eye_dist_temp, " Calc distance: ", DEC Eye_dist(Look_index)]
;If end is reched, start going back
IF look_index = 18 THEN
look_inc =-1
scan_flag = 1 ;scan finished!
ELSEIF look_index = 0
look_inc = 1
scan_flag = 1 ;scan finished!
;Index to next position
Look_index = Look_index + look_inc
;Move eye
HSERVO [Eye_H_pin\Eye_H(Look_index)-2750\1400] ;(note: different servo, -2750 is cal number)
;Find a hole!
IF scan_flag THEN
;Use moving window sum of squares of three values to find largest value (longest distance)
;First port in storm- uses first largest value closest to center
window_square_max = 0 ;reset
FOR i = 10 to 17
;Right side
window_square = SQR(Eye_dist(i-1)Eye_dist(i-1)+Eye_dist(i)Eye_dist(i)+Eye_dist(i+1)Eye_dist(i+1))
'HSEROUT [13,"i ", DEC i, “->”, DEC window_square]
IF window_square_max < window_square THEN
window_square_max = window_square
hole_index = i
;Left side
window_square = SQR(Eye_dist(19-i)Eye_dist(19-i)+Eye_dist(17-i)Eye_dist(17-i)+Eye_dist(18-i)Eye_dist(18-i))
'HSEROUT [13,"i ", DEC 17-i, “->”, DEC window_square]
IF window_square_max < window_square THEN
window_square_max = window_square
hole_index = 18-i
window_square = SQR(Eye_dist(8)Eye_dist(8)+Eye_dist(9)Eye_dist(9)+Eye_dist(10)Eye_dist(10))
'HSEROUT [13,“cen ->”, DEC window_square]
IF window_square_max <= window_square THEN ;<= is important! Pick center if equal
window_square_max = window_square
hole_index = 9
scan_flag =0 ;reset for new values
IF Eye_dist(7)<close OR Eye_dist(9)<close OR Eye_dist(11)<close THEN ;If close in front then stop and turn
;mood-> 1= fast reverse, 128 = stop, 255 = fast forward
mood = 128 ;STOP
IF hole_index = 9 THEN ;stuck in a corner!
TurnLRC = clock_bit
(-100)+50 ;turn random left or right->clock_bit = 1 or 0
TurnLRC = Eye_H(hole_index)127/9335
ELSE ;Roam if you wan to!! Roam around the world!!
;Speed ~ distance
mood = 128+(Eye_dist(8)+Eye_dist(9)+Eye_dist(10))/(4) ;largest distance =150-> mood = 128+(31
3/4) to 128+(150
;Convert to turn.
TurnLRC = Eye_H(hole_index)127/9335
'HSEROUT [13,"Mood: ", DEC mood, "-> ", SDEC 2
((mood/2)-64), " TurnLRC: ", SDEC TurnLRC]
Joy_speed = HSERVOSTATE Joy_speed_pin
IF Joy_speed > Joy_speed_center+Joy_db/2 THEN
Speed = 100joy_speed/Joy_shighslope + Joy_shighinter
ELSEIF Joy_speed < Joy_speed_center - Joy_db/2
Speed = 100
Joy_speed/Joy_slowslope + Joy_slowinter
Speed = 0
Joy_turn =HSERVOSTATE Joy_turn_pin
IF Joy_turn > Joy_turn_center+Joy_db THEN
turnLRC = 100joy_turn/Joy_shighslope + Joy_shighinter
ELSEIF Joy_turn < Joy_turn_center - Joy_db
turnLRC = 100
Joy_turn/Joy_slowslope + Joy_slowinter
turnLRC = 0
Reset_Leg [leg]
;Resets leg to current sequence position by lifting leg, then placing leg in sequence position
ii = leg_seq(leg) ;Store sequence
leg_seq(leg) = 6 ;Leg up center position
step_time = fastest_time5 ;Fast-ish movement
GOSUB Leg_movement[leg]
HSERVOWAIT[HH_pin(leg), HV_Pin(leg), K_pin(leg)] ;Go ahead, I’ll wait
leg_seq(leg) = ii ;Move leg to original sequence
GOSUB Leg_movement[leg]
HSERVOWAIT[HH_pin(leg), HV_Pin(leg), K_pin(leg)] ;Go ahead, I’ll wait, AGAIN
;[GETSINCOS] Get the sinus and cosinus from the angle +/- multiple circles
;AngleDeg1 - Input Angle in degrees
;Sin4 - Output Sinus of AngleDeg
;Cos4 - Output Cosinus of AngleDeg
;Get the absolute value of AngleDeg
IF AngleDeg1 < 0 THEN
ABSAngleDeg1 = AngleDeg1 *-1
ABSAngleDeg1 = AngleDeg1

;Shift rotation to a full circle of 360 deg -> AngleDeg // 360
IF AngleDeg1 < 0 THEN	;Negative values
	AngleDeg1 = 3600-(ABSAngleDeg1-(3600*(ABSAngleDeg1/3600)))
ELSE				;Positive values
	AngleDeg1 = ABSAngleDeg1-(3600*(ABSAngleDeg1/3600))

IF (AngleDeg1>=0 AND AngleDeg1<=900) THEN	; 0 to 90 deg
	SSin4 = GetSin(AngleDeg1/5) 			; 5 is the presision (0.5) of the table
	CCos4 = GetSin((900-(AngleDeg1))/5) 	
ELSEIF (AngleDeg1>900 AND AngleDeg1<=1800) 	; 90 to 180 deg
	SSin4 = GetSin((900-(AngleDeg1-900))/5) ; 5 is the presision (0.5) of the table	
	CCos4 = -GetSin((AngleDeg1-900)/5)			
ELSEIF (AngleDeg1>1800 AND AngleDeg1<=2700) ; 180 to 270 deg
	SSin4 = -GetSin((AngleDeg1-1800)/5) 	; 5 is the presision (0.5) of the table
	CCos4 = -GetSin((2700-AngleDeg1)/5)
ELSEIF (AngleDeg1>2700 AND AngleDeg1<=3600) ; 270 to 360 deg
	SSin4 = -GetSin((3600-AngleDeg1)/5) ; 5 is the presision (0.5) of the table	
	CCos4 = GetSin((AngleDeg1-2700)/5)			


;[GETARCCOS] Get the sinus and cosinus from the angle +/- multiple circles
;Cos4 - Input Cosinus
;AngleRad4 - Output Angle in AngleRad4
;Check for negative value
IF (CCos4<0) THEN
CCos4 = -CCos4
NegativeValue = 1
NegativeValue = 0

;Limit Cos4 to his maximal value
CCos4 = (CCos4 max c4DEC)

IF (CCos4>=0 AND CCos4<9000) THEN
AngleRad4 = GetACos(CCos4/79) ;79=table resolution (1/127)
AngleRad4 = AngleRad4*616/c1DEC ;616=acos resolution (pi/2/255)

ELSEIF (CCos4>=9000 AND CCos4<9900)
AngleRad4 = GetACos((CCos4-9000)/8+114) ;8=table resolution (0.1/127), 114 start address 2nd bytetable range
AngleRad4 = AngleRad4*616/c1DEC ;616=acos resolution (pi/2/255)

ELSEIF (CCos4>=9900 AND CCos4<=10000)
AngleRad4 = GetACos((CCos4-9900)/2+227) ;2=table resolution (0.01/64), 227 start address 3rd bytetable range
AngleRad4 = AngleRad4*616/c1DEC ;616=acos resolution (pi/2/255)

;Add negative sign
IF NegativeValue THEN
AngleRad4 = 31416 - AngleRad4

return AngleRad4

;[GETATAN2] Simplyfied ArcTan2 function based on fixed point ArcCos
;ArcTanX - Input X
;ArcTanY - Input Y
;ArcTan4 - Output ARCTAN2(X/Y)
;XYhyp2 - Output presenting Hypotenuse of X and Y
GetAtan2 [AtanX, AtanY]
XYhyp2 = SQR ((AtanXAtanXc4DEC) + (AtanYAtanYc4DEC)); CHANGED XYhyp2 to LONG variable
GOSUB GetArcCos [AtanX*c6DEC / XYHyp2]

Atan4 = AngleRad4 * (AtanY/ABS(AtanY)) ;Add sign
return Atan4

Awesome! Thanks for sharing!

great little project. what i like about this is its very simple control set up. cant be any more simple and i love it.
one of the main features i like about this is the code. its great how the legs stop in motion were they are, rather than returning to a neutral position. much more life like.

Thanks for the feedback, it means a lot!

Right now I just cycle through the steps based on the joystick input witht the tripod gait, kinda crude, but it works…

I just finshed digesting a paper using ‘CCN’ gait generation (automatic gait generation, regardless of foot position) and it works pretty well in the spreadsheet. I’ll post again when I get it working… hopefully the poto eye will be connected by then :wink:

After that I’ll try to add foot contact sensors, then the real magic can begin!

Here’s a link to the paper:digital.csic.es/bitstream/10261/30549/1/doc1.pdf

New video of working code- obstable avoidance with one Sharp rangefinder eye

I sid “least squares” in the vid, it’s actually sum of the squares, and linear vector field (two values), with moving window to find furthest point away. It uses that vector to steer the hex.

Completely autonomous, except when I pick it up of course… :laughing:

I like the fact that it change speed.
Look more “Insect” like… :wink:

Real good job…

Very well done! :smiley:

Can u share the code cos I really need to understand how u did it. Im very new too I hope u share it with a lil description :slight_smile:
thank u

Hi there,

I am converting your code to run “hopefully” under the Arduino platform, I need to credit you as the original writer of the code. Can post the details you would like placed in the code.


FYI - I don’t think he has logged on to this forum in about a year.

Depending on what you wish to do, there are versions of the Phoenix code (Originally written by the member Xan) that has been ported to run on the Arduino environment. This includes the version that I with the help of others like Zenta ported and are used in several different configurations. You can find that work up on github\kurte\arduino_phoenix_parts
