
Hello, i've seen many great robots in this site and thought about posting here my self.

This is my first hexapod robot. I made the frame from plywood and plastic arduino case. Servos are powered by 4 AA batteries.

Walk around floor

  • Actuators / output devices: 12x micro servos
  • Control method: arduino serial monitor
  • CPU: arduino uno
  • Target environment: indoors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/hexapod-1


nice hex :slight_smile: welcome to LMR!

That is a pretty kewl hexapod.

Is it your first bot or just your first hexapod?


I have previously made few robots using mindstorms nxt 2.

Hoho, welcome to LMR and

Hoho, welcome to LMR and welcome to the crazy robot builder community here :wink:

Nice but and very clean layout. Seems you fit in the rule “The China syndrome” Chuck created :wink: Well done but please, we need more info about your bot…lots of pictures, description and all the stuff around :wink:

Nice robot

The robot is a nice one. At first sight, it looks like a spider emerging from its hiding place…

Nice job!!!