Hex Bars too long?

I looked through this forum to see if anyone had this same issue and I could not find it. So it’s possible that I might be doing something incorrectly. However, The hex bars I have for the gearbox which attach to the gear that turn the treads seem to be too long. Here is a picture:

They are as equally spaced as I could make them, however, the tread will not fit over the gear and the other wheels without being crooked.

So long as you used the hex shafts which were included with the Tamiya Twin Motor Gear Box, they are the correct length. Note that the orange sprockets have a hex cutout only at the very end of the hole - you need to orient the shaft correctly for it to slide all the way into the cutout. This is a press fit. You can test the fit using the smaller sprockets which have the same cutout to prevent damaging the larger sprockets. Once you see how they mount, then replace them with the actual, larger sprockets.