I have an Emlid Reach RS2 “terrestrial” topographic GPS. I am interested in mounting the ‘Here 2 GNSS for Pixhawk 2.1’ on a Drone and the question is whether the Emlid GPS would serve as a base to carry out the corrections in RTK or on the contrary, I should also acquire the ‘HERE+ Base’ for this function of base
The problem is that the Reach M + (with antenna and trigger cable) is considerably more expensive than the Here2 (421€ vs 182€).
Also, as I have been able to read PX4 (with QGroundControl) supports RTK devices based on u-blox M8P and u-blox F9P, and if I’m not mistaken Emlid Reach RS2 contains the F9P board.
I believe that the Reach RS2 base sends the corrections by cable to the PC (QGC) and this sends them by telemetry to the Here2 rover.
This will reach my maximum in term of knowledge of integration regarding the Emlid & PixHawk.
Since you already have a REACH RS2 i would contact Emlid and aski what’s the best option for you.
Yes - Totally understand.
In theory it should be possible with a REACH M+ or M2 module and some ways to connect your RS2.
However i am not 100% certain about software compatibility etc.