HeraCB by David HASLE

This is yet another line-follower.
I could not not have a line-follower.
The controller card is a "cubloc CB230" home "Lextronic.fr.
He owns a radio remote control for the start and stop.
It can also be in the manual version, via the remote control.
He also owns an ultrasonic detector has avoided for shock.


  • Actuators / output devices: servo
  • Control method: Semi-autonomous
  • CPU: cubloc CB220
  • Power source: 11.3V 1500 mA LIP 3C
  • Programming language: Cubloc Studio
  • Sensors / input devices: Ping))) Ultra Sound
  • Target environment: indoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/heracb-by-david-hasle

You work with some

You work with some interesting processors, David. Glad to have you on LMR bringing light to some different technologies.