Helping David Chetrit

This is a blog to help David Chetrit figure out the parts he will need to build his robot.

Ultrasonic sensor: -$2.99


Motor controller$1.30

Tentative total: $6.49

One thing you failed to include

is the programmer he will need to program the PIC. The best price for a decent PICkit2 clone like creation is about $25 shipped.

I saw you talking PICAXE in

I saw you talking PICAXE in the shoutbox and wanted to give you what I consider the bargain basement PICAXE starter package:

  • 28-pin PICAXE: ~$10
  • FT232 board for connecting to computer:  ~$9
  • USB cable with proper connectors: $2
  • a mini 9g servo for sensor motion: ~$4 (maybe get three and convert two for use as motors; you can eliminate the driver chip as well then)
  • that cheap ultrasonic sensor: ~$3
  • that motor driver chip: ~$2
  • a couple small gear motors x 2: ~$10
  • at least a 400pt breadboard to work on: ~$3

You would still need the necessary wire, connectors/headers/etc, battery holders, batteries, voltage regulators (if necessary), and to make some wheels as well but that would get the critical components. Use the virtual comport program from FTDI to emulate a serial connection over the USB cable (free). I’d say bare minimum you’ll need at least $60 to cover all the unforseen needs you’ll encounter.

You mentioned $30 in the shoutbox as a budget but I hate to say that will probably not get you in the door for any microcontroller as they all require some sort of programming equipment. I’d say with a cool $100 you could get a good start with any platform you want.