
Can somebody help me I just got the BRAT Servo Biped robot and I built the frame. I got to step 12. This is the step where you align the servo motors. I could not figure out how to download the project from BasicATOM-Pro IDE to the Bot Board 2 with ATOM pro 28 pin chip. Please could someone help?

Are you using the SSC-32?

To download to the ABB:

Make sure the serial data cable is connected to the Botboard (ABB) and not the SSC-32 Servo Controller board. Make sure you have adequate power supplied to the ABB.

Things to check:

  • What type of data cable are you using? Standard serial? USB to serial?
  • Do you have the right comport selected?
  • Make sure the Atom Pro MCU is installed in the proper polarity orientation.

no I am using the bot board 2 with Basic Atom Pro 28 pin pro Processor. I am also using usb-serial cable. Yes I think I put the battery pack on correctly. When I plug the battery pack in and flip the switch 4 lights go on and then it beeps alot. Thanks


Sorry to hear you are having problems programing the brat.

Which USB to serial adapter are you using? If you search the forum here you will find they are not all created equal. There are several threads on this including:


thanks I am using one i picked up from best buy the brand is DYNEX

Did you load the drivers CD for the adapter?

Yes I installed the drivers for the adapter.
Could somebody just varify that all you have to to is plug the robot into the computer, then hit the program button.

Since you are using a USB to serial adapter, you might have one that is not compatible or not configured properly to work with your PC. I would recommend you review the thread link Kurte provided. I’m willing to bet that’s your problem. Please post some pictures of your setup.

Thanks so much for the help guy! I will further review that post kurte gave me and also search the forum for more info.

Look in device manager and verfy your adapter is being detected as a com port, and if so, see what com port number it has been assigned.

yes its registering as com port 8

Also, if you give me the product ID of the dynex adapter I can tell you if it is the same as the one I use regularly. The one I use does require a powered hub or a powered USB port otherwise it will not work. On my laptop I have to use a powered hub because my laptop usb ports are not powered.

I have already tried powered hub and it did not work however I recently found out we have a computer that does have a serial port just not my laptop. Unfortunely when I download the BRAT Servo Offset Finder Program and when i download it to the robot it bends over backwards. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?!?!? Thanks again!

Hi again,

Sounds like you are making progress.

Not sure from your description.

If you are saying that while the program is being downloaded the Brat sort-of goes limp, this is normal. While a program is being downloaded, there is no program running that keeps outputing the appropriate pulses to keep the brats servos working…

If it is after the program has been downloaded and when the program runs that it bends backwards. Is the brat going limp or is the servos being driven to what appears to be strange locations? If it is going limp, do you keep hearing beeps? If so maybe your battery needs charging.

Also not sure of your configuration. My guess is since you say you have an Atom Pro, that maybe you are doing the Autonomous Brat and in particular the brat does not have an SSC-32? Is this correct? What type of battery do you have plugged into it? Assuming you have the servos connected to the BB2 with the pro on IO pins P4-P10, did you make sure that those IO pins have VS (Voltage servo) and not 5v going to them? This is by using the jumpers on the board.

Now if the brat is being driven to bend over backwards, make sure the servos are put in properly and the servo horns are in reasonably correct. ie Can you manually bend the robot and it appears like it does not bind up?

Not sure what else to suggest until we have more information. Pictures always help!


I managed to figure out that the reason it bent over back words was because I had the servos on backwards. That problem is fixed and now it still doesn’t move correctly. I double checked all my connection and servo motor installation there all correct now. And in worked with the servo offset finder. However when I program it with the BRAT Autonomous Walk Code it just stands there and does nothing. Oh and I am using the Bot Board II, BASIC Atom Pro 28.

Sounds like there is somthing wrong with your code, or a problem with battery power.

Hi again,

There is not enough information here to help you with. Are you using code that is part of the Autonomous Brat Tutorial? What sensors do you have attached? …


Yes please tell us the tutorial you are using, and the step in which you are having trouble. Do you have sensors attached? Have you skipped any steps?