
LFR.sch (8486Bytes)

Is this schematic is correct? Im new to electronics.

Let me start by trying to

Let me start by trying to help you ask your question in a better way.

  1. You should use a descriptive line for the subject of your post. 'Help…" is so inspecific that many people may not bother to read it.
  2. Provide details of your problem. Is your schematic correct? Who knows? What are you trying to accomplish?
  3. Post your schematic in a format everyone can read, like a JPG image. I don’t have a tool to view your schematic in .SCH format.


ExpressSch demo file? I
ExpressSch demo file? I don’t even thinking About to install to try if I can open It… We really want to help you out… If It is The expressSch demo… Make a printscreen And post It here. Then everyone here can see It And help you :slight_smile: ( Dont think I want to be mean to you…)

Same here…

I tried to open this via Eagle and I could not. I dunno if it was a version problem or if this is not an Eagle file.

Lazy question, I think.