Help with motor driver?


As many of you know, my experiences building robots have been painful at best. So, I'm taking a step back, and I will follow Frits's wonderful tutorial.

Because I live in America, I'd prefer to buy my parts from a U.S.-based site to avoid longer shipping time,additional fees, etc.

I've run into a problem: Frits's tutorial calls for 1 L293D Motor driver. At I found a short list of products similar to what I need.

Which will work?:








Here is the link:*L293D*+*Motor*+*Driver*&N=1323038&Ntx=mode%2bmatchall&Ns=P_SField&OriginalKeyword=L293D+Motor+Driver&Ntk=Mouser_Wildcards

Thanks a ton! I was not able to find it on Spark Fun. :)

L293DNE or SN754410NE

You can use the L293DNE part here :

Or the cheaper but stronger SN754410NE part here :

Sparkfun has the SN754410NE here :

All these drivers are in a package called a PDIP, which means the through hole pins are spaced 0.1" apart, in rows that are 0.3" apart. There was mention of power PDIP chips in the Mouser site, but in looking at the data sheet for those chips, it appears they were SOIC, a surface mount type.

Oh, it might be helpful to edit the title line to say “Help with motor driver” to be more meaningful for someone else searching for similerr information.

Thanks! Very helpful!

Thanks! Very helpful! :slight_smile:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us… -Marianne Williamson

Part number suffix

In general, the suffix to a part number indicates the type of package and/or the useable temperature range of the device. Manufacturers will package a chip in all sorts of packages, DIL, surface-mount, ceramic and so on. The suffix indicates which one you want. Also, the chips will be tested for different temperature ranges – military parts will work from -55 to +125 degress celcius, whereas the cheaper varieties will only work from, say, 0 to 70 deg C.

Don’t forget that sometimes, you’ll want the chip to work in sub-zero temperatures! Automotive rated parts will be OK a few degrees below, which is probably what you’d want for a device that has to go on a car that’s left outside in winter.