Attached are photos of my circuit on a breadboard.
I posted a video. Ignore the TV in the background. When the universal remote sends a signal it is decoded by the PICAXE (not done manually I found a setting that the sensor can read and decode itself). A LED flashes to show a signal was read. It then shows the number of the code that was sent in the debug window. In a few days I will delete this post and add a turorial. Then its off to making my robot WOOHOO.
As an added bonus the sensor reads signals from 360 degrees and the remote even made it work when it was under the table. Its nice how much infrared light bounces around the room.
SYMBOL IR_PIN = pin0 SYMBOL LED_PIN = 0 symbol infra = b14
irin 0, infra debug infra HIGH LED_PIN PAUSE 250 LOW LED_PIN
what kind of remote are you what kind of remote are you using? i mean, is it a sony one? because irin only works with that protocol. If you just want to see if IR light gets detected then just do a “if pin0=1” else you have to find out what protocol it is and how it works, and decode it “manually”, that means lots of pauseus and pulsin. Or you could make your own remote, that’s much more fun…and easy.
btw, that "input 0 only" btw, that “input 0 only” makes sense only if you are trying to use irin. One other thing: the tv remote could have a frequency undetectable by your sensor.
The remote came with my Daewoo TV. If I find a universal remote I am assuming I could program it to work on the same wavelength. I dont want to buy the kit because it costs too much an dI would need 2 of them. I may buy a cheap universal remoter and find a setting that works with it. I also added a pic of the new set up to verify that it should work. Building the circuit is the hard part for me I have the coding experience but electrical engineering is still fairly new
Assuming I want to use my current remote is there a way to make the sensor work if I know the wavelength the remote is using?
I strongly encourage you to make the “circuit”. It’s between commas because it is no more than a led, with one lead connected to an output pin and the other connected to a pwm…it is 99% of coding.
But assuming you want to stay on the remote, as i sad, you have to search on the net for the protocol used by these daewoo remotes. Once you get thoes informations, you can make your own program which interprets the different pulse lenghts of this protocol. So basically:
I think I will get a I think I will get a universal remote. The hope was for the robot to be able to be controlled by a remote at whomevers house I was at. I have the basic cuit on my breadboard already so I have made the “circuit” I was just wanted to make sure the issue was with the remote and sensor not being compatible rather than a small problem with my circuit. Last question This is the first time I’ve tried to read a value from a pin. Usually it is high 7, low 7, etc. How do I take the value from pin 0 and toss it to b14 so I can see what its value is in the debugger?
If you have an IR-LED and any other picaxe chip lying around; you could set that up as a transmitter. See the infraout command in the picaxe manual picaxe_manual2.pdf That way ou can see if your setup works.
BTW I’s definately go for a cheap universal remote. It will allmost certainly support the sony frequencies and commands.
I did consider making my own I did consider making my own remote but I would need to make 2 of them. I would also have to order more chips since I am getting low and need to buy something to use for buttons. It is cheaper to just get 2 universal remotes. When I am not on a budget I will make my own remotes because it would make this project a lot more fun and remove the possible problem of the 2 people controlling each bot to not interfere with each other.
Sorry for being somewhat Sorry for being somewhat secretive with what the robot will do, but it is a fun project that I want to try to keep secret until I am done and can make a walkthrough. The IR part is the last hurdle I have to finishing it
it won’t be easy to make it controllable by any remote…actually it would be quite hard. If you want to control it with a universal remote (which is more expensive than a picaxe with an IR led and a few buttons ) then why not just buy a standard sony remote? as far as i know it should work properly with the IRIN command, and maybe it would be cheaper.
But wait, do you want him to do multiple actions or just do something when you press any button on the mote?
EDIT: you talked about tossing a value onto a variable. But what do you really mean by “reading from an input pin”? Input pin can read the length of a pulse, or if a pulse is received, but…well… i don’t really got what you meant.
What I need it to do is, What I need it to do is, when button A is pressed it does something, when button B is pressed it does something else, etc. Universal remotes cost $20 (some as low as $4), a picaxe with shipping and some sort of button pad would cost close to that then it takes more time, etc to make. I am assuming a universal remote set to work with a sony TV would work with the IR sensor. If so that is easier and quicker to do. I’m running short on free time but I will have Friday evening and Saturday during the day next weekend to play. If I have to order picaxe chips I likely won’t have them by then. I have spares but mostly 40s not 28s or smaller.
I found a $5 universal remote at K-Mart and none of the codes worked on the sensor. In fact none worked for my TV or surround sound system. It did work on my VCR/DVD player though. so I guess it soff to plan B. I ordered 2 keypads off Tech-supplies and an extra 28x1. I’m going to use my 8m for the keypad and the 28x1s for the robots. A homemade IR controller would make this project look better, but I was hoping I coudl get a pre-made remote to work for simpilicity.
I’m sure this thread is getting old, but I’m determined to make it work. I have decided to make my own remotes so skip all the previous discussion about getting this to work with a remote. I just want to get it to send OR Receive a signal to prove it is hooked up correctly.
See picture above.
PIN 1: yellow wire from pin 1 to pin 11 of picaxe 28x1 (IN 0) AND 4k7 resistor connecting to 5volts
PIN 2: short yellow wire to ground
PIN 3: 330 ohm resistor from 5 volts to pin 3 and a 4.7uF capacitor connects PIN 3 and ground (I dont know why it was in the disgram)
First off is this set up correctly? If so I have tried to have it send an IR signal and detect it with my digital camera, did not work. I used a universal remote to cycle through every wavelength it can send and the IR sensor on the board did not detect anything.
Also I put my multimeter on the pins and it does in fact get current. I also tried 2 different sensors to make sure I didn’t have a faulty one. Has anyone used this sensor before and can they show how it was hooked up to verify this is correct?
I know I may be a pain, but I like to learn all I can about components and will publish 2 or 3 tutorials on this sensor when I am done. I am also going to make at least 1 robot using it.
Feels good to get it working, huh? Congrats, I have been keeping an eye on this and was pulling for ya! --You fought this one tooth and nail and won… I got mad respect for that.