Help with Controller Mod. Help with circuit

I recently started to play a game on my xbox. It requires me to pull the left trigger very very fast. The trigger is ran off a potentiometer. The controller "fires" at a certain point. I need to make a circuit that can do a pretend pull repeadatly. So it has to be an ajustable voltage that can repeadtly go when I press a button for a couple seconds. So it can be sometime of resonator or something. I am not sure how I could make something that fire the potentiometer to fake a couple "fires". I will get more information later when i open up the controller. IF anyone has question i can try to explain more.



Hmm. Maybe you want to look

Hmm. Maybe you want to look at a digital potentiometer, like the AD5220. It acts just like a regular potentiometer, except you can “dial it up” or “dial it down” by setting I/O lines high or low. One line tells it whether to go up or down – high means increment, low means decrement – and another line acts like a trigger – for every pulse it sees on that line, it increments (or decrements) one step (out of 127, I think). So to go from zero resistance to full resistance, assuming you had the up/down line wired to I/O pin 1 and the clock (trigger) line wired to I/O pin 2, you’d do something like:


#set up/down line high


#send 127 pulses on clock line

for i = 1 to 127





Just an idea.


think he is looking for
think he is looking for something like all in one ic, to put incide of the remote controle, and close it, to look like a normal controler, but moded…

I was picturing a 555 timer

I was picturing a 555 timer than had an adjustable RC circuit and a button that would only turn the circuit on when it wass pressed and then reset it when it was not pressed. I also would need to be able to dial in the right voltache with another variable resistor because we are tricking out a potentiometer on a game controller. So if anyone could help me design a circuit like this i would love you guys.

Thanks dencohe

555 guide
Check out for a lot of info on the 555 timer. There is a circuit on that page, which is described as a 555 tester. Start with that as a basis, eventually leaving out R3+R4+the two leds. Use them in the beginning to check if your circuit is working. In the bottom there are some example circuits. If you want faster/slower pulses, google for "555 calculator". Hope it helps. If not, feel free to ask again

I kind of understand the 555
I kind of understand the 555 timer but i am not sure how i will set the the output voltage pulse. I think this might work but just incase I have another idea. There is a specific voltage that the chip reads from the potietiometer. It is .45 -.49 v if i can recreate this it will always keep firing. what i had in mind was a pos supply running to a momentary switch then to a potentiometer that i can set at .45 -.49 volts.

I cant seem the figure out what the input voltage is. the highest the voltage goes is about 1.09. so i am going to link two potentiometers together and have the one set so its output is always .45-.49 and just press a button and trick out the chip. Anyone know if this will work or not ?