Help with Axon Microcontroller with stepper

I want to use Society of Robots Axon Microcontroller, but i dont know how this controller working with stepper motors.

I'm a beginner, dont angry if my question so stupid.

I'm realy need help!


You might check out the

You might check out the Society of Robots Axon page. I don’t think anyone here has ever worked with the Axon, since it has never been mentioned here before. It appears to be programmed in WinAVR, so perhaps some AVR C programmers could help in some situations.

A common link to learn about stepper motors is Jones on stepper motors. It needs to be determined whether you have unipolar (most common) or bipolar steppers. Unipolar motors can be driven through something like a ULN2803 darlington chip, by sequentially activating each phase of the motor. Unfortunately, steppers may not be strong in coparision to brushed DC motors, so may not be able to move you tracks well.

It would be best to title your post something like “Axon stepper help” instead of a non-descriptive “Please help”.


**OKWhat another controller **


What another controller do you advise for my project.

I need to operate 3 (or more) servo, 6 RFinders, Gyro, may be tactil sensors.

Why do i need stepper motors, i think it easy to control directions etc.

Than i complete, i think you all will say "WOW". I have so many ideas, but i need a hardware.

Use what you got, but read

Use what you got, but read the link I’d posted :

Make an LED flash, but learn how to limit current to an LED first. Learn to read those sensors into a variable. Learnr how to make a pulse for a servo, and try it out. These are 3 seperate things, to try one at a time, then later try them together.

Learn some specifics on the stepper motor you have, like how many degrees per step, what is the phase resistance, coil voltage, etc. Once you know that, a driver can be selected to go between the micro and your stepper. Star with pieces of the puzzle and build up, don’t try to do it all at once.