Help Us Build Our First Smart Delivery Robot!

Need guidance for a microcontroller project

Hello everyone,

I’m a first-year undergraduate student working on a group project to design and build a smart delivery robot for a university course. Since this is our first hands-on experience with microcontrollers, sensors, and robotics and we don’t have any knowledge regarding them we’d greatly appreciate any guidance, advice, or insights you could offer!

Project Overview

The goal of our project is to create a smart delivery robot capable of navigating predefined routes to transport small packages indoors. The robot should:

  1. Navigate autonomously based on predefined routes stored in memory.
  2. Detect obstacles along its path and stop, alerting the user with a buzzer.
  3. Integrate real-time tracking and control via a web application.
  4. Enhance delivery security with an RFID-based locking mechanism to prevent unauthorized access

Current Plan and Approach

Here’s a breakdown of how we’re planning to achieve this:

Navigation and Path Storage

  • We plan to manually define paths (e.g., distance and turns) and program these as sequences of movements in the microcontroller.
  • For example, a route could involve moving forward 4m, turning 90° right, moving forward 10m, turning 70° left, and so on.

Obstacle Detection

  • The robot will use ultrasonic sensors to detect obstacles.
  • If an obstacle is detected, it will stop immediately and sound a buzzer to notify the user.

System Workflow

Step 1: Loading Items (Sender Interaction)

  1. The sender places items such as files or stationery into the robot’s secure compartment.
  2. The sender closes the lid and scans their RFID tag, which:
  • Authenticates the sender.
  • Locks the compartment securely.
  1. The sender selects the destination (e.g., Room B) via the robot’s LCD interface.
  2. The robot confirms the destination and prepares for navigation.

Step 2: Journey to the Destination (Autonomous Navigation)

  1. The robot calculates the optimal route using:
  • Rotary Encoders for precise distance tracking.
  • HMC5883L Digital Compass for accurate directional orientation.
  • Ultrasonic Sensors to detect and avoid obstacles.
  1. If an obstacle is detected:
  • The robot stops and activates its buzzer after 10 seconds.
  • If the obstacle remains, the buzzer is activated again after 20 seconds and 30 seconds, respectively.
  • If the obstacle persists, the robot sends a notification via the mobile app to the sender for assistance.
  1. The robot resumes its journey once the path is clear.

Step 3: Arrival at the Destination

  1. The robot checks if the door to the destination room is open:
  • If open, the robot enters the room and awaits interaction.
  • If closed, it:
    • Sends a notification to the recipient via the app, prompting them to open the door.
    • Activates the buzzer as an audible alert.

Step 4: Recipient Interaction

  1. The recipient scans their RFID tag to unlock the compartment:
  • The robot verifies the recipient’s RFID tag for authorization.
  • If authorized, the compartment unlocks, and the recipient retrieves the items.
  1. The recipient can now:
  • Redirect the robot to another location.
  • This is done by selecting the desired location on the LCD interface or via the mobile app.

Step 5: Return Navigation

  1. Based on the recipient’s selection:
  • The robot autonomously navigates to the specified location using the same navigation logic.
  • If no specific destination is set, it returns to the base station (e.g., the dean’s office).

Step 6: Battery Management

  1. The robot continuously monitors its battery levels using:
  • A Voltage Sensor to measure battery voltage.
  • A Current Sensor to monitor power usage.
  1. If the battery level is low:
  • The robot sends a notification to the app indicating the need for charging.

Components and Technologies

Here’s what we thought of using for the project:

|| || |ESP32 Microcontroller| |DRV8825 Stepper Motor Driver| |Stepper Motors (12V)| |Robot Wheels| |Rotary Encoders| |HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensors| |HMC5883L Digital Compass| |RFID reader module| |Solenoid Lock/Actuator| |Rechargeable LiPo Battery(12V, 8,000mAh)| |Current Monitor Voltage Sensor Module| |12V to 5V DC Buck Converter| |Battery Charger Circuit| |LCD Display (128x64)|

Challenges and Questions

  1. Path Storage and Execution:
  • We are considering predefined paths stored in code (hardcoded movement sequences). Is this the best approach, or should we explore other options (e.g., dynamic path drawing or mapping using Dijkstra or A*)?
  • And how can we do the coding parts with regards to predefining paths
  • How can we optimize motor control for smooth movement along predefined paths?
  1. Component Selection:
  • Would you recommend ESP32 or Arduino Mega for t
  • his type of project?
  • Are there better alternatives to Nema 17 motors or A4988 drivers for a lightweight indoor delivery robot?
  1. General Advice:
  • What are common pitfalls for beginner robotics projects, and how can we avoid them?
  • What advice can you give specifically for our project and is our plan feasible?
  • Are there any resources, tutorials, links or forums that you recommend for learning more about robotics and microcontroller programming?

Not sure what the scope of the project is, but as a first year, you might keep things simple in order to be achievable with a full course load on top of this project.

  • Getting to the destination: Simple line following to start: either IR with 3 to 5 sensors facing a black strip on the floor, or the same number of magnetic sensors and a magnetic strip. The IR will cost a lot less. Mapping is a project on its own.
  • Regarding coding, start with either Arduino (Arduino MCU) or Python (Raspberry Pi SBC).
  • For smooth motion, you’ll need a PID algorithm. ChatGPT and a Google search can explain more.
  • Arduino MEGA if you don’t plan to use any complex sensors. ESP32 is a great chip too, but you’ll need to determine how many pins you need etc. There’s a LOT available for Arduino in the community already.
  • You’ll likely need a DC gear motor with encoder. Do a bit of research into what you think the total weight of the robot will be before buying the motors. You want them over-powered, not under-powered. NEMA17 on their own don’t offer much torque at all.
    1. Don’t underestimate your workload from other courses. Scope the project, set specific and achievable goals per team member and give yourselves enough time to handle issues which cause delays. Being over-confident and choosing technology you’ve never used because it “sounds cool” won’t mean that you will be able to fit it all into your first project in time. Don’t over-promise and under-deliver.
  • A simple point to point delivery robot has been done many, many times. There are many examples in the Robot section here and on various sites, often with existing code. use LLMs like ChatGPT to help spot issues with your code. Triple check wiring since burning parts on a student budget is not fun.
  • Google’s your friend.
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