Help! Sunfounder bionic lizard kit, IRremote can't print HEX values in Arduino IDE


I require your help regarding a problem I’m encountering.

I’m building the Sunfounder Bionic Lizard Robot Kit, and I’m struggling with the IR remote. I’ve downloaded and included the IRremote library from the Arduino IDE, and when I point the IR remote at the IR receiver and click a button, a light blinks on the receiver, telling me that there is a signal being both transmitted and received. however, when in the ‘test’ program, used to initialize the servos and test the IR remote’s functionality, I encounter the issue. the servos work fine, but having uncommented and recommented the corresponding lines, the test for the IR remote doesn’t work. on entering the Serial Monitor and clicking the remote, no hex values are printed in the monitor. as I mentioned, the light on the IR receiver still blinks, but no hex value output is shown. this is my first robotics experience and I have no idea about what to do! note that I don’t receive any error messages, just that nothing happens and I have an empty Serial Monitor screen.

I’m running the Arduino app on a windows 10 tablet PC (not the most powerful machine, but it works).

the only software I’m using is the Arduino app, and winrar to unzip files.

I’ve tried a separate IR remote to see if that would work, but to no avail.

as an additional note, I think the test file may have an error in? (though I could just be stupid; like I said, this is my first project). the comments that explain which lines to comment and uncomment on lines 31 and 32 appear to be the wrong way around; uncommenting the one that says “uncomment only this to test the IR receiver” causes the servos to test, and recommenting that then uncommenting the other line results in the servos doing nothing (and therefore I presume that this is the option for testing the IR remote).

Thank you so much in advance for your help, and please dumb it down hugely and overexplain, I have no experience!

Hey Jord,

I’ve learned a lot about IR communication and Arduino with the following source:

Let me know if this help you with printing the keys to your monitor.

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Hi pjutras,

I’d already found that site! It wasn’t too useful, because I figured out what the problem was! The line of code saying:

“const int RECV_PIN = 7;”

Needed the 7 changing to a 5. I’m not sure why it worked, but it did! Thanks for the reply :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.
I’m glad you found the solution!
Good job!

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