Help! Recalcitrant Jiggle Bot

Germanium vs Schottky

While germanium may be hard to obtain, Schottky diodes are in alle the catalogues. They also have very low forward voltage drops.

“in the range 0.15 V to 0.46 V”

I need greater escape velocity to handle learning curve! :slight_smile:

School vacation is coming up next week so I can fix my non-jiggling bot one way or another. 

Thought some of you would be interested in the art that inspires my work…these two always make me smile.




looks very cool! your robots

looks very cool! your robots totally looks like an avant garde art! cheers!

If thats true

(Like JAX says, the caps will accumulate the 0.6v trickle all day long into the bucket, but at the end of that day, it will still be a bucket full of 0.6v. )

How do solar swingers manage to work even firing every now and than in a shady position using 6 1/8" square solar cells generating about 1/2 volt @ 1.9 mA in sunlight?

this message is written out of ignorance so please don’t get offended

They are usually more

They are usually more productive than that.    I suspect there is something wrong with the panel if it’s only generating 0.6v.  that size - 30mA @ 3v would be more like it.      

Regarding the 6" square panel, I have several of the epoxy coated panels.   some of them have erroded around the edge and dont perform.  some of them generate 100+mA @ 10v or 1 watt.    you can do a lot with that.