Help on motor selection for graduation project

Hi, I'm calling out for help in selecting motors for a graduation project for my elecric mechanics course. I'm planning on building an R2D2 (Star Wars) robot, driven by 2 motors, controlled by motor drivers and picaxe controller using R/C controller/reciever). The dimensions i have in my head are about 35cm height(14"), 25cm width(10") including legs, leaving us with about a 20cm(8") can. I currently have in mind some geared motors(low amps) so weight should be around 2kg(4lb). I plan on add a few things in the future, like a spinning head, sound system, led's etc. so it might acumilate to just below 3kg(6lb). I plan on building this out of wood (simple and cheap). I've already ripped apart a few old cordless drills and tested them out, the problem being the amps, around 6-7 amps with no load. This would require a large 12V battery pack(which I already own) and about 15amp H-bridge driver for each motor. I HAVE TO build all PCB (circuit boards) myself, can only buy raw components. 

So here comes the real question. Can you guys and gals recommend geared motors for a project of this "weight". I don't have much experience with picking out motors, so I'm a bit lost in this jungle of torque, stall amps, Nm's and such. 

Would either of these do the trick, or can i go even lower in torque? I would like to keep the amps at 10A MAX for each motor.
I understand that these motors should be able to pull up about a kilo (2lbs) of weight with a 1cm(2/5") wide pully, but dont really get how to use those measurements for my wheel applications. 

Hope you super heroes can give me a few tips. 


P.S. I am on a buget, so motors cannot exceed 40$, each.

If the robot is supposed to
If the robot is supposed to do autonomous maneuvers, I would get the motors with encoders already installed.

Good luck with the project! The motors you showed probably have enough torque for your project. I might get the slower ones to keep the robot moving slowly though; more torque is a happy accident. Maybe 60-80 RPM, but I’m not great at estimating.

If your college or a friend has a 3d printer, you might want to use that for many of the parts. I’m into wood for large things, but plastic is great for making small domes.

many thanks

Many thanks on your comment. First actual reply on what motors I could use(not even the teachers were sure). 3D printers are a quite a paint to reach where I live (North Iceland :slight_smile: ). I do have a class mate who has a 3D printer, it’s crappy however and the “ink” costs ALOT here. like 100$ for 14 4x4x4 items. Just silly.

I normally buy my 3d
I normally buy my 3d printing supplies from the web, and normally get a kg for between $25-$50 (US) plus shipping. A kg makes a lot of stuff. Of course my printer is small and if I use it a lot, I’ll build a bigger and hopefully faster one later. I haven’t gone through a single roll yet.

thumbs up

program thumbsup.c

void main(int argc, char *argv[]){
printf("%s", argv[1]);
printf("%s\n", argv[2]);}
printf(“Wrong Answer!\n”);
return 0;

cc thumbsup.c -o thumbsup

./thumbsup thumbs up
thumbs up

(I was bored).