Help in choosing parts for my robot

I want to build a robot similar to the mars curiosity rover.

I do know know the weight (mass) of the robot yet.

I will be using an arduino board from an mbot for the programming part.

I am planning to use 2/4 12V DC motors that have 30rpm, rated current of 0.1A and rated torque of 12kgcm.

I am also planning to use 3/4 130mm silicone wheels.

Should I use 1 LiPo Pack of 1300mAh 4s 40c LiPo Pack or a 4 9g Continuous Rotation Micro Servo?

I have seen your Drive Motor Sizing Tool.
But I do not know how to deterrmine the efficiency.

Based on the parts that I have, I am not sure I understand the output on the tool.

Can you please let me know if these parts are compatible with each other in building the robot.

Please advice.

Nice project!

We do not offer consultations on customers project but we can certainly help you select products that can fit your needs.

The Drive Motor Sizing Tool is intended to give you an idea of the type of drive motor required for your specific robot.
If you have already selected the motors, you do not need that tool.
You would certainly need a motor controller if you are using DC motors with an Arduino microcontroller.

In this case, you would certainly need a power source, ideally a 4S LiPo battery such as Hyperion G5 50C 4S 5000mAh LiPo Battery.

Make sure to verify that all the parts are compatible with the voltage of the battery. If not, you can either purchase a step-down converter or use another battery.