The Parallax Servo Controller is made to accept serial commands from an additional micro, not a pair of switches. Check the hook-up on page 3 on the link above. You could read the switches as inputs to the Basic Stamp 2 as shown, that then sends commands to the serial controller, but the serial controller won’t do anything by itself other than spazz the servos when power is applied or reset.
Hi robologist, what is a micro? I’m connecting the switches to 2 pins on the BS2. the hook-up on pg 3 is reference to the BOE-BOT, which i’m not using.
Actually, my final set up is as follows:
1) a RF transmitter on another BS2 sends switch status and data to the robot
2) the RF receiver on the receiver receives the data
3) the switch status will determine the operation mode - OFF, autonomous, tele-operated, & arm
problem arise when the mode switch from auto or tele to arm, or vice versa. I have to manual reset the PSC, which is not feasible since i’m using RF comms.
In your initial description, all you have mentioned is the Parallax Servo controller, and 2 switches. No Basic Stamp 2 is talked about. The BS2 is a “micro”, short for microcontroller. From your initial description, it appeared you were trying to get the servo controller to work directly off 2 switches.
Above you reference a hook-up on page 3. Page 3 of what document? The servo controller manual? What program(s) are you running? The “mode switch” occurs in one of these programs I guess, so determining how this changes communications to the servo controller will probably show what is going wrong. Alternatively, another BS2 pin could be used to switch a transistor to cycle power to the remote servo controller setup, allowing reset at a distance. Or even wire one to thereset. That is, if there are no problems in the program that is actually changing communcations with the servo controller.