Hello World!

Hello evrybody!

I am so happy to be a member of LMR, I will post all my robot projects soon.

But let's start at the beginning, shall we?

I started making robots almost two years ago, it was summer break and I was bored. The main reason I started is I like physics and programming and I thought robots are the best way of combining the two. And it's fun. I started making robots and I will NEVER stop. I want to learn more and more and that's what I do with every project I build.

I make robots with Arduino. The reason I use Arduino is: it is easy to program, and it easely interacts with many kinds of hardware like sensors, controllers, input/oitput devices and  mamy other things. Plus, Arduino is the chip that I started programming on and I made my first robot on it. I haven't tried other chips yet but I am for shure going to. I especially want to try Picaxe and NETDuino.

Once again, I am very happy to be a part of LMR. 

Thank you.

**I chose Robotics for similar reasons. **
I like Electronics and Programming so I thought Robotics would be a perfect way to combine the two. Been designing robots for about a week now and will upload info soon, so stay tuned!
