Heavy (11.6kg) ceramic driving robot needs a proper motor, - please help robot's required taste is; 11.6kg load, durable, small, DC


I require your help regarding a problem I’m encountering. Through the Robot shop I ordered four DC motors, [ RB-Dfr-679 12V DC Motor 12kg-cm 350TPM met Encoder ]. Unfortunately they don’t have them in stock and their estimated time for Re-stock approximately be the 27th of august 2020, which will be too late for me because I am graduating before that time. I asked them for a replacement product, but those where out of stock as well. -----

this is what I am doing;

** I am building a ‘heavy’ driving robot, the motors and wheels must be able to bear a weight of minus 11 kg. I already have a set of wheels that can handle 10kg each (the omni titaniums). The robot’s power supply is via an adapter in the wall and it have to be able to stay on for 11 hours with a break of 1 hour. I now have some experience with programming, but I am still quite new to hardware. I would like advice and a solution for the engines, because I could not have found other alternatives myself. — the roPod does not need to drive fast or on strange surfaces.

**I have build small robot’s through kits, and made small circuits however a stamina for this project I have not encountered before. – I did my research on types of motors, mass- rotation- voltage ratio. **:

What I would like to know:

Is there a motor that will do a similar job, that is still in stock or available for good testing before the 1st of August? - Is there a different solution that meet these requirements (11.6kg load, durable, small, DC (like most DC motors_)

Thank you so much in advance for your help! :space_invader:

Hello @SolarFiction and welcome to the RobotShop forum,

A great way to go through the DC Motors available in the store is by checking the DC Motors Comparison List. This way you can easily see the voltage, speed and torque specifications of the motors. However, you must keep in mind that kg-cm (actually kgf-cm) is a unit of force/torque, not mass, which you must calculate according to the specifications of your project (number of motors, size of wheels, etc) and not according to the weight of the robot. An excellent tool to calculate this is the:

Once you know how much torque you need you can choose the motors. And if you already have a motor driver you should also keep in mind the nominal voltage and continuous and stall current to choose your motors.

I hope this information can help you out!

Let us know if you need more assistance and good luck with your project :grinning: