HC sr04 run on 3 pins with arduino

Just wanna share this(not mine) with everyone. I now have a ping))) arduino code running an HC sr04 on a robot due to this…


It’s that simple.

Nifty. Collected.

Nifty. Collected.

Glad you are ok IG

Good to know. :slight_smile: I was

Good to know. :slight_smile: I was already wondering if it was possible. Thx. now I only have to write a picbasic version of this code / edit my other code using 4 pins.

Post it and let us know how
Post it and let us know how it goes! Maybe even a video. My stickbug runs on both ping))) or hc-sr04
with a tiny bit of modification to the code.

Ok. Offcourse I Will share it with you :slight_smile:
As soon as I have time I will put something on breadboard and give it a try.
First I Will try to simply connect these 2 pins together with using same piece of picbasic code. And see what happens. I will let you all know.
I only don’t fully understand what that condensator will do? How’s that supposed to work?