Having problem getting BotBoardII to communicate with SSC-32


I am having trouble getting my bot board II to communicate with SSC32.

I used power pod software to generate .bas file for getting my hexapod(BH3-R) to work in autonomus mode. I downloaded the porgram into Basic Atom 28.

I removed jumper in SSC-32 to make it work at 38.4 buad rate.connected signal from pin 8 of bot board II to the Rx of SSC-32 as told in the manual.

But there is no communication happening from my Bot board II to SSC-32. The LED in SSC-32 remains ON always.I doesnt blink like when it recives data.

Please let me know what I am doing wrong.

Thanks a lot,

In cases like this it would help to have additional information and probably a picture showing the wires.

When you say that you connnected a signal wire from the BB2 pin 8 to the SSC-32, I assume you included the ground wire as well.

Also have you checked your version of the autonomous code to make sure that you are getting to the location that is doing a serout to pin 8.

Powerpod simply creates the framework for you to put in your code to control it, so it might be helpful to verify that your code is making it to the appropriate places.
