Hardware serial problem with current IDE

I want to give the community here a heads up with a problem I am having.

My BAP28 will not accept serial messages on the hardware serial port. It was working before the switch to studio. I uninstalled studio and installed BAP IDE and rechecked its operation, finding that is works with the old IDE.

sethserial h9600,h8databits,hnoparity,h1stopbits



lx var long     ; left X axis 
ly var long     ; lefy Y axis 
rx var long     ; right X axis 
ry var long     ; right Y axis    
btn var long    ; buttons
dir var long    ; direction pad
servoL var long ; left servo 

hserin 300, tmout, [dec3 lx,dec3 ly,dec3 rx,dec3 ry,dec4 dir,dec4 btn]
   	high p9 ; led 1 status ok
   	low p8  

servoL = (lx -200)*30*2
HSERVO [3\servoL\0]	

	if btn =3 then
		high p9
		low p9

I know a new syntax manual is in the works and improvements are constantly being made to the IDE, I just want to see if anyone else is having the same issues or if the developers are aware of it.

I’m looking forward the the release of the new manual.
Thanks for the help

My guess is that the problem is with your timeout…

I believe that the timeout is now .5us. Not sure what your value is, but it may have been in milliseconds.


Thanks for the help. Ill, add an extra 0 to the timeout.

Is there a list of changes anywhere? Its hard to RTFM when things are in flux.

Edit: just tested with the current IDE and the time out set to 30000.

Works great!

thanks for the help. it was a stupid mistake on my part. I should have dug a little deeper.

The manual is found here on the Basic Micro Forum.
forums.basicmicro.net/viewtopic. … bf04a171ca