Hardware not found on computer for picaxe

Hi I am trying to program my picaxe28 but my computer keeps on saying HARDWARE NOT FOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does any one know  why it is doing this ? I tried every thing it told me to do butit still says HARDWARE NOT FOUND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also I am usingpicaxe28x2 low voltage.I need HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




sorry about the ugly pictures, used a bad camera.

Take a picture of the setup

Take a picture of the setup and post it. That usually helps to ident the issue.

Also post what you’ve done to try to troubleshoot the issue yourself…



i will probrably do it tomarow

i put

i just put pictures.


Pictures don’t help much

Your pictures don’t really show what we need to see. At any rate, here are some things to check.

Is it powered with the right voltage plugged into the right input?

Is the picaxe chip upside down?

Have you tried holding reset down?

Are you on the right com port for your USB cable?

Are you running any sertxd commands on the picaxe chip?


By the way…

There is no need to SHOUT!!!

Adding extra !!!'s doesn’t get an answer any quicker.

i did

Actully i did put the right voltage in the right input.

I dobble checked the picaxe chip and tried many resets.

tried all the com ports.



what i think is the problem is that i used a usb to serial adapter.


I would assume that you installed the proper drivers needed with that adapter. I assume this because you are getting a “no hardware found” instead of a message about com ports. There is an easy check in terms of your adapter. Go here:

Control panel

Performance and Maint.



Device Manage

Now you can find your serial adapter, see if the computer recogizes it as a “virtual serial port” and the com number. Now go back to the picaxe software, click options and be sure you are on the right port. Again, I don’t think this is your problem, but it would be good to check this off as not the problem. Did you try the rest of my suggestions on my list above?


i dont have

for some reson my controll pannel does not have Preformance and Maint.

but thanks

Don’t know if this will

Don’t know if this will help, but what version of windows are you using? I had some problems with the standard USB download cable with windows 7, I had to manually install the AXE027 driver twice. (just as they say in the manual of the updated USB cable- manual.  You have to do step 3 twice).


Try to install the drivers again just for the kicks of it.

i have

i have windwos XP and i don’t have the axe027 programing cable. i got the cheap serial cable i thaught it was the right one but it was not.so t got a $40 serial to usb adapter from radio shack.

**i have **

i have picaxe 28 low voltage does that make a difference.

The axe027 programming cable

The axe027 programming cable is not just a bundle of wires with the proper connection at each end. The cable has the FT232R embedded into the USB connector, which is needed.

I think you are going to need the proper cable.

**i have a new problem **

the program is finally going in .the sensors work fine but the motors servo and speaker and leds are not working.It just wont moove.

So you are now able to

So you are now able to download programs to your Picaxe? Great, you have solved a problem. Many times building robots is a series of challenges to overcome. Don’t get discouraged along the way!

You should really start a

You should really start a new post for the motors and servos, since it is a different problem.

Keeping the forum discussions clean helps everyone. So start a new post and I’m sure you will find some help.

I am having the same issue


I did everything but I get the hardware not found error. How did you solve your issue?