Hard ware not found

i know this is around the site in places already but people seemed to have different solutions that dont work for me

i am trying to program my robot but my computer says hardware not found on com3

this is with picaxe by the way

thanks if you can help :)

I agree
Are you sure that your cable is on com 3? Com ports get changed from time to time.

I would suggest posting what

I would suggest posting what you’ve tried so far so we know what solutions did not work for you.


i have trieds every port therre is on my computer none of them worked 

i used the disk in the starter pack so i deffinately have the cable driver 

i have tried reseting lotd of time but that hasn’t worked either :frowning:

 i have tried different sets of batteries as apparently they dont program well if they dont get enough power 

thanks :slight_smile:



well i have tried this on 2 different computers on one i used the disk and i had the driver but on the other i downloaded it off the internet this asked me to down load someting untill i downloaded the driver off the internet the first computer sill says if you bhave a floppy disk that came with this hardware, or someting, then insert it now