Hey all,
Sorry for ghosting on you guys. I thought I figured out what I was doing wrong (everything started working) and then I got swamped with work. (I’m a school teacher currently teaching distance robotics.)
In any case, I have things pretty well figured out and wanted to get started creating the 1 week unit for my students next year…so that is what I have been doing instead of responding to all of you who have helped me out, so for that I am sorry.
I think I was just setting the gripper to close way too far because I was closing it using my computer mouse instead of setting the closed value and clicking on close. If I set the value to about 1 mill smaller than the object I’m grabbing it does a good job and doesn’t shut off.
The way my class works…We currently use the Lego EV3 robot platform for the majority of the semester long class. Students start out with line following, then sumo, then a pick and place game. I got 4 robot arms, 4 small humanoids, 4 programmable mini drones, and then we have the more advanced CNC milling machine, 3d printers, and laser cutters.
The course is 12 weeks long, so I have to hump and bump through all of the projects pretty quickly.
My plan for next year is to cut out Robot sumo (the middle school robotics teacher started doing it, and then during the last 4 weeks have the kids go through rotations. Depending on the class size the kids would either work individually, or in pairs spending a week with the drones, humanoids, manufacturing machines, and robot arms.
So I am currently putting together the robot arm week long unit.
The first day will be an introduction to robot arms in general.
Day two will be getting familiar with the LSS Flow software.
Day 3 and possibly day 4 will be completing a pick and place task (Creating a sequence moving objects from one place to another.
Day 5…I"m not sure about day 5. I am thinking of getting into kinematics equations, but for a lot of my kids that would be way over their heads. Another idea would be to have them make the arms do something in conjunction with each other. IE pass something from one arm to the next.
Thanks again for all of the help.