Can anyone help me? I am trying to get a sequence to run in the GP player
on my hex from Xan’s 2.0 Phoenix code. I can get the sequence I made to run just fine
going directly to the SCC-32. But when I put every thing back (BOT BOARD & ATOM PRO) I can’t get it to activate from the PS 2 controller. Everything ells run great. The SCC-32 doses have the GP firmware. And the only thing I changed in Xan’s code was the dimension in the config file since my hex is just a little different. There must be something I’m missing.
I believe to run a sequence you press the cross button (X) - to enter into GP player mode.
You can then use select to change which sequence will run and then press the R2 button to start the sequence up.
P.S - I remember having some problems when I tried to run a sequence that did not exist so in my code I have it check first before it tries to run the sequence.
Thanks for responding. When I press X and then R2 nothing happens just the familiar
beeps indicating the buttons been pressed. Until I hit X again then every thing is normal. It’s like the seq. is not loaded on to the EPROM. I have done an EPROM dump and confirmed it’s there, I think. I’m a little confused on the process of saving, exporting and loading in visual sequencer. So Its vary likely I am missing something or doing it wrong.
A simple control to see if the sequences are stored on the EEPROM is to run the GP player in SEQ.
The other question to ask, is when you created your sequence, what was the sequence number? I believe the PS2 code will default to try to run sequence 0 that is stored in the EEPROM. You can hit select to go up to run different sequences Up to number 5 or 6 sequences in total.
You said you did an EEPROM dump. So to confirm that your sequence is there, if you look at memory location 0 it should probably have a number with MSB, LSB in hex of: 01 00
The next two bytes should be the address of the next sequence or 00 00 (or FF FF) which says there is no sequence.
If you look at address 100 (hex): the first three bytes should be something like: 00 12 2f
Which the 00 is important as the sequence number (it uses that double check)
The 12 hex = 18 which is the number of servos
The 2F = 47 is the number of steps in the sequence.
As Zenta mentioned you can easily confirm everything is there in SEQ. If you can still setup to plug the RS-232 cable into the SSC-32, you can load SEQ, go to the GP seq button and then click the sequences viewer button and it Will confirm that it can load your sequences (i.e. properly formated).
Good Luck
Thanks so much guys. I will hopefully get a chance to pull it apart and try something
this weekend.
FYI - I recently uploaded a program that you can install on your bap to look at what is stored in the EEPROM on your SSC-32. It is mentioned in the thread:
It is not very refined, but it did help me to locate things…